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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Apple board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Apple board! If you have an Apple device or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members! If your question is about your account please remember this is a public...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Cancel contract

I can no longer afford my phone and want to send it back and cancel contract.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! O2 Recycle and iCloud

I have an iPhone 4s 32gb which I intend to send to O2 recycle.I have the recycle pack and noticed the note about iCloud. I have already erased my iPhone so now it is black and, in essence, you have to set it up again with a simcard etc... When I eras...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! 3 Unread Emails???

My Email account is showing 3 unread emails but. I cannot find any unread emails? Anybody got any ideas how to clear this, ive tried a reboot etc. thanks in advance.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Help with My O2

I just bought an iPhone 6 the other day, swapping from Orange to O2 and I was told my old number will be ported/transferred by 6PM on the 31st of October, and I had a phonecall and text to tell me it was done. I can't tell if it has worked but in the...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! upgraded,do i keep my old sim?

Hi.Ive just upgraded online from a Iphone 4s to a Iphone 5s,its due to arrive tomorrow as i had to take out a new tarriff contract too, will this mean the new tarriff contract will be on the new sim or will it go into my existing sim? Will i need to ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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iphone 5s deleted photos

hi please can anyone help i have lost some personal photos on my iphone 5s most photos are there and some deleted any way i can retrieve lost photos even if i have not backed up my iphone to icloud or i tunes i despratly need these photos back help p...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Handoff video guide

Just a heads up to anyone having issues or who is wanting to start using Handoff with Yosemite and iOS 8. I've made a combination video, text and picture based guide demonstrating what is needed and all the instructions on how you use Handoff. The gu...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! New contract SIM doesn't receive 4G

So my SIM that I just disconnected recieves 4G but my new contract SIM doesn'tIt defintely is a 4G SIM and contract

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! how to keep same mobile number???

Hi. I've just upgraded from a Samsung s2 to a Samsung s5. I've had to take out a completely new tariff but I want to keep the same number I had on the s2. Is this possible?Thank you

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! 'You Missed a Call From Me' messages from O2

This is seriously starting to get on my nerves...!!!! Every week (And I do mean EVERY week..!), at least once a week, I get these stupid 'You Missed a Call From Me' free texts from O2. WHY....?!?!?!?!? My phone sits in front of my eyes on my desk, wh...

You Missed a Call From Me
DinoF by Level 12: Nimble
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