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Unable to activate mobile data abroad

Not applicable

I've just returned from Estonia and I was unable to use mobile data. I always got a message 'Could not activate a mobile data network. You are not subscribed to a mobile data service'


The same happened in Istanbul in February though I'd added the travel bolt-on.


I'm sim-only Pay monthly and I had plenty of data allowance. I had mobile data roaming switched on.


grateful for any advice. 

Message 1 of 36

Not applicable
The shameful thing is O2 couldnt tell me the answer i had to find it on a community forum! Im not too bad with working through my phone but i would never have sussed that out! What chance has the aveeage dumb **** got!!! Well done MI5 perhaps you should be running things from now on!?!
Message 21 of 36

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Honestly, all it needs is for someone at o2 to pay attention to what is going on around them wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 22 of 36

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So maybe this should be reported back via one of the admin team? @Martin-O2 @Marjo or @MercedesS

Bottom line if EE have no issues with iPhones abroad then O2 need to sort this out.

I feel sorry for those people who never visit the forum whilst abroad and basically end up with a useless iPhone Smiley Frustrated

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 23 of 36

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Reported many times already but makes no difference if training is inadequate or not verified.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 24 of 36

Not applicable
I agree! Well i guess if our phones dont work when we go away they dont have to cough up to the network providers. One of the biggest mistakes in business is not recognising that 90% of dissatisfied customers just leave without complaint! If we get problems solved to our satisfaction we tend to stay. Its not rocket science folks!
Message 25 of 36

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Hello guys

I have edited after talking to O2 they have confirmed what we already shared with you before.

"The problem is that if their current Mobile Data Bolton is for NON-IPHONE certain services won’t work i.e.Roaming. This change can be done online. They need to swap the Bolton to be compatible with their device"

We will pass your feedback to see if this can be done automatically thumbsup

As always, thanks for telling Wave



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Message 26 of 36

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There is no option in your MyO2 to change the type of data bolt on though.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 27 of 36

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@MI5 wrote:
There is no option in your MyO2 to change the type of data bolt on though.

It would be helpful if it was in My O2....Even more helpful if it was made compatible for using iPhones abroad...If other networks can achieve this, not sure why O2 can't?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 28 of 36

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It shouldn't be difficult. How many posts have we had over the years about this issue? Must be close to a hundred now.... 

Message 29 of 36

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[edited with the feedback] 


Hello guys

First of all, thanks a lot for all your feedback and help clap

And specially @MI5 for helping me yesterday till really really late at night heart_eyes

So, you all are right and:

  • There isn’t a process for using My O2 online to just change the bolt-on service to the use of the iPhone.
  • The only way to resolve the problem via My O2 and only for pay monthly customers is by changing their tariff. However, this can be either up or down and therefore the prices will reflect the change chosen.

The best solution then is to speak to an online advisor, whether online to Web chat or call into customer care, to complete a change on their account within the same package they’re on or utilise a workaround and change their device settings 

  • When abroad, go into Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile data options > Mobile Data Network > Mobile Data section – APN: and change to from, reboot device and should connect as normal.
  • When back,go into Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile data options > Mobile Data Network > Scroll to the bottom, Reset Settings > then Reboot device.

Hopefully, your feedback about having this done automatically will be implemented soon. FantasticGood Idea

Thanks again for all your amazing help! heart 

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Message 30 of 36