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Trying to unlock iPhone 3G

Not applicable

Mr brother is on cotract with O2, and he gave his old iPhone 3G to my Mum for her to use.  It needs to be unlocked.  I obtained an O2 PAYG SIM card and topped it up with £15, filled in the online form to unlock it, but I keep getting back the following emai:


Thank you for your iPhone unlatching request for IMEI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
The mobile number that you provided is xxxxxxxxxxx.

I'm sorry, we have not been able to unlatch your iPhone at this time.
The reason given is:

Sorry, you have not passed our security checks with the information that
you have provided. Kindly check that you have provided the correct

Thank you,

O2 Customer Service"


I've tried it several times and I keep getting the same reply.  I've done it before, years ago, for a phone I got off eBay, and went through smoothyly first time.

And another anoying thing is that at the bottom of the email it says that I have any quires I can email them (and it gives an address), but when I did I got back a reply saying that don't take emails anymore.......


What kind of company doesn't commicate via email??

Message 1 of 18

Not applicable

It can take a short while for the latch to show in your O2 account.

Make chargeable calls and leave exactly £15 on the account and try again.

This is an official reply I saved on unlocking an iPhone etc.

"Pay Monthly Non IPhone

If the handset has been purchased from O2 (voice, online, retail)

All handsets can be unlatched free of charge.

If the customer is still within contract, they must honour the remainder of their term.

The handset should have been used on the O2 network before it can be unlatched

Pay Monthly Iphone

If the phone has not yet been used on the O2 network, it cannot be unlocked by O2

If the customer is using an iPhone purchased from O2, Apple, CPW for use on O2: devices purchased from Orange, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Tesco or any foreign networks will not be unlocked.

The Phone must be activated on iTunes, non-activated iPhones cannot be unlocked

The Iphone will be unlocked FOC

Pay & Go Non IPhone

Pay & Go can only unlatch a handset after it has been active on the O2 Network for 12 Months.

Was the handset purchased from O2, or a 3rd party?

3rd party

If the customer has had their handset for 12 months, the phone can be unlatched at a cost of £15.

Was the handset purchased from O2, or a 3rd party?


If the customer has had their handset for 12 months, the phone can be unlatched at a cost of £15.

Pay & Go IPhone

If the iPhone was purchased from O2, Apple, CPW or Phones 4u not for use on O2, O2 is unable to unlock their iPhone.

If the iPhone was purchased from O2, Apple, CPW or Phones 4u for use on O2, the phone will need to have been used against the customers number.

There is a charge of £15 to unlock the iPhone


Unlatching codes will not be provided if there are any active bars on the account

Can I unlatch while abroad?

Yes, the only condition is the customer must have both the O2 active SIM and another network active SIM with them to perform unlatching."
Message 11 of 18

Not applicable
Thank you for your quick response!

So as my friend had obviously used the iPhone on an o2 sim for over a year, it should be able for an unlock? I just need to make a couple more calls (keeping my £15) and wait a few days for them to link together?
Message 12 of 18

Not applicable
Yes as long as you've registered your O2 account or ask him to request the unlock via the online form.
Message 13 of 18

Not applicable
Sorry she* not he 🙂 is more busy than me, it's kind of been given to me as a quick fix. Would you be able to expand for me on registering my o2 account?
Message 14 of 18

Not applicable
Message 15 of 18

Not applicable
Thanking you, following the link I had already completed that which has reassured me! Thanks for all the help!
Message 16 of 18

Not applicable
You're very welcome. slight_smile
Message 17 of 18

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Hi Bungle73,

I'll look into the email issue for you. Thanks for coming onto the community to raise it!

Also, thanks for BoB for flagging this thread.
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Message 18 of 18