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Thinking about iPhone 5

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Hi everyone just need some advice.

I currently have a blackberry on monthly contract which is up for renewal in July, however I want to upgrade to an iPhone 5 which I can do by paying off the rest of my contract (which will cost me £100).

I just wanted to know if people think it is worth going for the iPhone as I don't know alot about them

And I want to know which tariff is best to go for? And how much gb of data would people recommend ?

I also want to know if I'm able to keep my current number?

I appreciate any help thanks.
Message 1 of 30

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That sort of data swallowing can't be from the usage you're describing Laura - Bambino is spot-on - most of the i-phone gurus are off-line at the moment, but be assured that once they see this thread they will advise you accordingly slight_smile 

Message 21 of 30

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Phone calls and texts won't be using any data, but I believe facetime does use a lot. So does Facebook. I'm sure an iPhone user will chime in here at some point and advise you better than I can about how you can manage your phone.


Message 22 of 30

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Hi Laura


Facetime over 3g uses a lot of your data allowance I have 1gb per month and am on face book twitter and the like and have all my emails pushed through and also use the phone for browsing the web over 3g I struggle to use the 1gb a month so I think if your using facetime its best to use it over wifi unless unavoidable

Message 23 of 30

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@Anonymous wrote:


Apparently you are supposed to double click on the button at the bottom of the phone and all the apps that you have been using will then appear and "wobble" and then you need to tap on them to close them down to fully shut them down.  I wasn't told about this when I first got my phone (not from an 02 store I must point out but I am on 02 though) so I learnt the hard way.  I also had to manually input all my contacts into the iphone which was a bit of a pain as the two phones have different operating systems and numbers don't port over.  What a friend of mine suggested was that because iphones have a micro sim card, which is sort of a normal size sim card which is broken down to go into the phone, before it gets broken down, put it into your old phone, save all your numbers and then brake it down and put it in your iphone.

I hope I haven't put you off too much!  Good luck!

This is totally untrue about needing to double click to shut the apps down, its a fruitless exercise and one that isn't needed.

Unless its the music app, or an app that uses GPS (for example a fitness app) then all the other apps are in a suspended state and don't use any resources once you have pressed the HOME button to quit out of that particualar app.

This is a good article that explains about multi tasking on the iPhone and how apps are suspended, closed etc:

In fairness, your contacts issue is one that maybe could have been addressed, its just a case of having your contacts stored in the cloud (Google can do this or once you have iCloud setup on your iPhone, iCloud can do this too) or sometimes its possible to have your contacts stored on your sim card.

Message 24 of 30

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google results indicate 3mb a minuite for facetime calls.


And no need to turn 3g off at home if cell data is off.

iPhone 11 Pro 256gb on unlimited data
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My first mobile was in 1995 a CM-R111 from sony on Cellnet.
Wincanton South Somerset (Full 4g 3G 2g indoor coverage) Remember we are all customers here not customer services

Message 25 of 30

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Told you - there's no better place to get advice, especially for a technophobe like me slight_smile

Message 26 of 30

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@Anonymous wrote:
Hi everyone, i went for the iphone 5 and I love it, however I opted for the 1gb a month which I was told would be 'more than enough' however I've found that in the 2 days of having the phone I've used nearly half my data allowance (don't have a clue how?) so warning to anyone else thinking of getting an iphone always opt for a bigger data allowance, as I'm sure I'm gonna have to get a data bolt on to keep me going the rest of the month... Other than that, absolutely love the phone slight_smile

For anyone who is having issues with high data use, first go into Settings/General/About, scroll down to the Diagnostic & Usage section and choose Don't Send.


Sometimes its this what is causing the high data usage.


I had an unexplainable high data usage happen once, but since that time I haven't had it since. I strongly feel that its the network side that's causing this issue with some people (if all other things have been checked to see if there the cause).

Message 27 of 30

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@Anonymous wrote:

I had an unexplainable high data usage happen once, but since that time I haven't had it since. I strongly feel that its the network side that's causing this issue with some people (if all other things have been checked to see if there the cause).

Is that using an iPhone 5 on O2 then?


There seem to have been a great many complaints about excessive usage since that one came out.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

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Message 28 of 30

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@perksie wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

I had an unexplainable high data usage happen once, but since that time I haven't had it since. I strongly feel that its the network side that's causing this issue with some people (if all other things have been checked to see if there the cause).

Is that using an iPhone 5 on O2 then?


There seem to have been a great many complaints about excessive usage since that one came out.

Yes it is with an iPhone 5 and on O2.


There's various theories such as iOS 6 been the cause. But if that were the case, everyone on iOS 6 would be seeing it. I think the cause (if all other things have been checked to not be the cause) is that its a random network issue only affecting a small amount of people. It might look like its affecting a lot of people, but when you take into account the huge number of people who have iPhone's (in the UK) and also, on these forums you are only seeing the people having the issue and not the much larger amount of people who have not suffered the unexplainable high data use.


I've even read about people who have switched off mobile data on their iPhone's and still had the text from O2 saying they are about to or have used all of their data up. That makes me believe even more that its a network issue and not a handset issue.


What I did was I this:


I rang 202. Now a tip when you ring 202 is to keep pressing zero after you have confirmed your wanting help with the number you are calling from. Doing this routes you to the call centre in Leeds (I think I read it was). They seem to be much more proficient than some of the other call centres. I explained what had happened. The advisor couldn't understand why I'd used so much data in such a short space of time. She put me on hold and when she came back she gave me another 100 mb of data (the data bolt on I have is 100 mb).


Hope this helps slight_smile

Message 29 of 30

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I have a 5 on O2 with 500mb a month data.  Normally I only ever use up to about 100mb so not a high end user.  However, two days ago the phone was very warm/hot even and battery was discharging quite quickly.  Usually charge at the end of the day overnight when the battery is down to around 70% after all day low usage.  During this recent episode I had to piut on charge twice in the day and noted that when on charge over night it had downloaded 20mb and sent around 10mb for no apparent reason.  So I think this is what was making the phone hot and discharging the battery.


The only thing different that I had done the night before was activate iCloud and let it back up.  I wave sinse switched iCloud back off but it may have been a coincidence.


Yesterday I restored the phone as new and reinstalled my apps rather than use a backup and so far I am back to normal.  So it may well be a slight glitch in iOS where a corruption occurred and a restore fixed it for me.


My Son is on a 4s with Orange/EE and he has also had a couple of days where battery was draining fast but it settled down itself, so who klnows?


I have two exchange accounts pushing email calendar and contacts on one of them.  Not many calls but also do get text throughout the day and do some browsing of forums and ebay etc in the evening on wifi.  The iPhone for me has been the most reliable handset out of a range of Android and Blackberry devices that I have used over the years.

Message 30 of 30