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My Thoughts after using iOS7.

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My initial thought on using Apples new iOS7 on a iPhone 5..



iOS 7 is Apples new platform which like many have been using for the past few days.  


A major design from the iOS we all know with an all new overhaul of its UI and extra features.


Even the ringtones and alerts that we have been used to and know from previous iOS have been replaced.


The first new inclusion that caught my own eye was the Control Centre which now allows quick access to a few of the more commonly used settings.


At last Apple has taken notice of what end users want.


The App switcher now gives a much richer experience giving a full tile look, instead of just the icon in the task tray. The way to remove by swiping up is a really nice edition too.


I like the way the pull down Notification Screen gives the user a friendlier reading of the weather, which somehow looks more personal to me. And the way it now displays your today ,all or missed notifications just looks cleaner.


This is something that I heavily use and now this improved layout will assist me in my everyday arranging of my appointments etc.


And thank heavens that linen background is gone !


The folders on the springboard are now much easier on the eye, and allowing more than the standard amount of apps in each with multiple pages. They look to flow much better too.


Talking of flowing the way the apps open out onto the springboard when you swipe to unlock the iPhone is really nice. Eye candy yes ,but a massive improvement.


I think the inclusion of incoming call and text blocking is a long overdue feature which will go someway to improve the users experience.


The extra security feature of not allowing the finder of an iPhone to restore it and use it themselves ,due to the Activation Lock needing the original Apple i.d used on it is a feature that is again long overdue.


The AirDrop section found within Control Centre is not AirDrop itself, but is a toggle that allows you to turn the feature on or off. You can turn it off, enable it for contacts only, or enable it for everyone right from the Control Centre. A nice addition.


The shortcut option found within Control Centre allows you to quickly launch Torch and Calculator , Camera and Timer which are nice additions and will become really handy.


Also giving the ability to quickly toggle on and off WiFi, Airplane Mode, Bluetooth, Do Not Disturb, Rotation and brightness. The music control addition is nice too.


Spotlight has now been moved from its own dedicated page,{ how many times I swiped back too many times and accidentally launched this was annoying}, and now all you do is swipe down to activate it.


The new keyboard now looks fresh and new, which also compliments the overall look of iOS7.


The new wallpapers are nice and the Parallex Effect is something I'll have to get used to, as it does play havoc with my eyes !!


We now have 7 dynamic and 33 static to choose from.


Siri is out of beta now and initial results do seem faster and it gives improved return results.

It is weird that Uk users still cannot choose a male or female gender voice due to location. Hopefully that will change with upcoming patches.


In conclusion : Some will like the new redesigned apps and UI layout, and some wont.


Its a fact some find change hard.


You can tell Jonny Ives and his team have worked hard on this new direction.


For me the Control Centre is the one that hits the nail on the head.


One downside of the update is that the 3rd party lightening cord I bought now will charge my iPhone 5, but will not let iTunes detect my iPhone 5 when hooked up. No deal breaker !


What are your thought after having a few days using it.


Likes and dislikes ?


Also I would be interested to hear what other users experiences are on using it with the earlier models of the iPhone, and that of iPad users.


Message 1 of 19

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Nice review.


Not sure if the parallex effect you mention is the thing that can be turned off in accessibility/reduce motion?


My third party cable is connecting okay (it's a Griffin 3m black cable).


Control Centre is definitely the important change, really useful.  Also appreciating the way some apps have been changed to have better functions (Kindle app at long last has collections).


I've not yet used much on my iPod Touch or iPad, suspect the Touch experience is pretty much the same as the phone.

Message 2 of 19

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Hi Daw.



Thank you.


Disabling the Reduce Motion in, Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion , stops the Parallax Effect. 


The 3rd party cable was from a pound shop wink so im not overly dismayed as it still charges the phone, so alls good.



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It works well, on a 4s even though it loses some features, however a friend of mine with a 4 has said his phone all but dies running it, and turning it on can take 2 minutes plus to reboot.

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Message 4 of 19

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@adz999 wrote:

It works well, on a 4s even though it loses some features, however a friend of mine with a 4 has said his phone all but dies running it, and turning it on can take 2 minutes plus to reboot.

I think you miss out on air drop and camera filters on the iPhone 4s.


Possibly asking your friend to do a restore and then new device install may help along with deleting some unused data.

Message 5 of 19

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Awesome review BoB.

My likes include:

- The swipe-up menu
- The photo structure
- The multiple tabs menu in Safari.

My dislikes are mainly visual:

- The general font is a little thin for my liking.
- I'm not a huge fan of the new messaging aesthetic.

There's my 2 pence. Look forward to hearing more thoughts from everyone. slight_smile
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Message 6 of 19

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Hi Toby.



T agree the tab's in safari does look better and I find the way you can navigate in Safari by swiping is awesome too.


Ive actually stopped using Goggle Chrome.


Regarding the font you can go into Settings > General > Accessibility and play around with the text settings there. Although I dont think that changes the general font  slight_frown






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No air drop on my 4S, but I do have the filters - but as I have a new 5S arriving on Monday.........
Message 8 of 19

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I have the camera filters, just missing airdrop, not a huge drama, im waiting for my 5s order to move from in progress.:smileyhappy:

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@toby a tip on the www i spotted was to enable bold in accesability to get a more io6 like text it requires a reboot


if i find the source again I will link to it

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