on 29-03-2024 20:57
I’m just back from Malta and was unable to use my data roaming. I tried solutions offered by customer services and the solutions on this forum. I migrated from Virgin last year. With virgin I never had problems in Malta or any European countries. Has anyone on the forum had similar problems since changing to o2 and were they able to solve the issue? I’m on holiday again is a few months so would like to sort problem out. I wax given a ticket no by customer service but no feedback yet.
on 29-03-2024 20:59
I'd bet good money that you don't have iData enabled on your account so either ask O2 to add it or change your data apn to "mobile.o2.co.uk"
on 29-03-2024 21:12
on 29-03-2024 21:12
Thank you I did ask o2 to enable idata while I was in Malta but I will ask them again. Thanks
on 29-03-2024 21:27
on 29-03-2024 21:27
I’ve just checked my APN settings for data and it’s still set to goto.Virginmobile. With no user name or password. The ApNs for messages etc set to the idata one you mention plus a username and password I haven’t set. If I go to reset settings can I choose a new password as I don’t know the present one. Then I could alter the data setting myself ?
on 29-03-2024 21:30
Settings are here https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Apple-iOS-Devices-iPhone-iPad/Connecting-iPhone-to-Data-Services/m-p/5...
and you seem to have mistakenly marked a solution?
on 29-03-2024 21:33
on 29-03-2024 21:33
Yes marked solved by mistake. Thank you for the help I’ll follow the link.