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Geek squad in CPW

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Does anyone know if the Geek squad in CPW will install screen protectors for you? Looking to purchase a Zagg shield and seeing as you only get the one and it's pricy just want it to be done for me, failed an amount of times today at home myself!
Message 1 of 65

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I'm with the Boys on this one ( @Bambino and @MI5 ). Common sense , water(condensed or not)+mobile phone=trouble. You tube is worth what is worth...there is a lot of useful stuff on there but there's also a lot of "experimental" and dubious stuff...  No disrespect @bandofbrothers as usual you are only trying to help, but this may change your views ,

Message 21 of 65

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Hi rosadosc

We give our opinions from experience.

This info is just not on YouTube. ie the link I added to show info on wiki

I've applied these over many years with and without using varying methods.

It's completly upto the end user on which method they use.

Personally I like the hinge method too.

I'm sure CutieKitty will find her own way.

Heck at least the kudo count has increased at least. 😄

Anything is followed at the end users discretion at the end of the day.

For example some like dry shields

Others like the ones you apply with a provided spray but some don't like them because of the idea of applying liquid to a phone screen that could seep into speakers and mics and ports. They worry about tripping liquid sensors too or affecting the inner workings.
Message 22 of 65

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The likes of the Galaxy S5 and any of the Sony Z range will be perfectly fine, of course, but as we are talking about a fragile iPhone it is only fair that the pitfalls should be pointed out.
It would be very unfortunate for anyone to be reading this thread and thinking they were getting expert advice, only to go and potentially damage their phone.
Of course some people will believe any old rubbish they read on the internet (Wiki) and just because it's there and written, doesn't make it correct.
Anyone should establish all the facts and make a decision themselves based on what they believe to be the correct and safest process taking all opinions and warnings into consideration.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 23 of 65

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@Anonymous  I'm always willing to learn and I'm curious now, when you say

@Anonymous wrote:
We give our opinions from experience.
I've applied these over many years with and without using varying methods.

under what circumstances or trade did you use this? 

Message 24 of 65

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Totally agree MI5 which is what I've been trying to put across. It's solely at the end users discretion on how they proceed.

Advice can be refuted and pulled apart by anyone.

As for "fragile iPhone" ~ as phones all have various ports / inlets etc one has to be careful I suppose with any screen shield that includes sprays.
Message 25 of 65

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@Anonymous wrote:

I'm with the Boys on this one ( @Bambino and @MI5 ). Common sense , water(condensed or not)+mobile phone=trouble. You tube is worth what is worth...there is a lot of useful stuff on there but there's also a lot of "experimental" and dubious stuff...  No disrespect @Anonymous as usual you are only trying to help, but this may change your views ,

Thanks for the support  @Anonymous As you most likely have far more experience dealing with people who have had problems with phones and moisture, I think your comment carries a lot of weight. The OP started this thread because she is having problems applying a screen protector, and clearly needs the protector to be put on by someone who knows what they're doing. To take a phone, which clearly isn't waterproof, or even water resistant into a steamy shower room, would not be a prudent thing to do. As @Anonymous has said, she has failed several times trying to apply the protector, and she would most likely spend more time in that steamy environment than would be safe for that phone. Advising her to do so is, in my opinion, an irresponsible thing to do.


Message 26 of 65

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rosadosc what are you trying to ask ?

I applied all types of screen shields for my phones and Family and friends.

The dry variety that just need affixing and bubbles removing with a card.

Shields with sprays.

Full body kits that need Sprays or are dry versions.

Tempered Glass shields that use silicone.

I've used the hinge method, cello tape method.

And the various ways of trying to get away from dust particles.

On a personal note I now opt not to use them due to the Orange peel effect some give and the feel of some of them.

The best I've come across recently are the glass tempered shields.

Anyway I'm sure Cutiekitty992 will return triumphant. 😄
Message 27 of 65

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How about apple  @Anonymous ? Apple never refuses to help their customers. Even if u didn't buy the screen protector from them you bought their phone wink

Message 28 of 65

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@Anonymous wrote:

How about apple  @Anonymous ? Apple never refuses to help their customers. Even if u didn't buy the screen protector from them you bought their phone wink

Great idea slight_smile

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 29 of 65

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@Anonymous just trying to trick u again into saying what you did for a living LOL

About the "wet"methods ( condensation,sprays,etc... ) unless the manufacturer clearly states the phone is waterproof I would stay away from them.:smileywink:


Message 30 of 65