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Delivery expectations for iPhone 7 PLUS?

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Seperate thread for 7+ customers to update each other.

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Can't believe they won't stop my device plan payments
Message 3041 of 3,109

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Hey Guys,

Whilst we’re continuing to fulfil the vast majority of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus orders, unfortunately we haven’t received enough stock to fulfil some outstanding iPhone 7 Plus 128GB (Black) orders that some customers may have been expecting this week. Some iPhone 7 models are still in short supply across the market – we understand this may cause frustration and disappointment and would like to reassure you we’re doing everything we can to minimise the delay. Impacted customers will receive a text from us within the next few days and we’ll be in touch with a further update on 22nd December, or sooner if we have more news. Please point anyone asking about this specific device to this post.

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Message 3042 of 3,109

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@TobySo do we have too just keep waiting and waiting and not to get any sort of conpensation at all?? This is ridiculous, i bet that you change the date again on the 22nd. I like everyone want answers about what is going on!!

Message 3043 of 3,109

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@Toby This is no longer funny. How are you compensating us for the extra instalments you are taking from our accounts for the old handset? It is not our choice.. we were promised "upgrade on us in 12 months". O2 has made no effort on behalf of Refresh contract customers yet have been supplying online orders but happily getting 3-4 months extra monthly instalments from us. It sure has been a lesson not to trust a word o2 says. The who Refresh contract has turned into a farce with o2 laughing all the way to the bank at our expense!
Message 3044 of 3,109

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I will be contacting the financial ombudsman, my local councillor, my local paper and even BBC watchdog in regard to this whole affair now.

I am that far away from my original order date of the 17th September that when I finally do get my iPhone 7+ I will have to pay over 3 'moths up front to upgrade to the next eventual iPhone! The whole reason for the upgrade refresh is so I can get a new iPhone each year around there release date.

This is out of order on o2's part.
Message 3045 of 3,109

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@Toby why won't o2 compensate??? I've asked to have my monthly device payments cancelled or credited and o2 said no! How is that right.
I get told that I would be paying that on a new handset and yes that's right but I'd be paying a new phone and new contract. You are costing me £60 extra so far so I want this refunded.

I asked for my contract to be cancelled and I give you the 6s plus back as I think that's fare and I'll go else where like direct to apple but o2 won't do that either

Bottom line o2 NEED to sort it out or compensate! I'm going to see my solicitor about this and the ombudsman cos I'm being screwed so maybe legal route might work over customer loyalty
Message 3046 of 3,109

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I also agree with chap above me that when the I phone 8 comes out my 'new refresh' means I won't get that till at least Jan 2018 not the release time of the 8 so again it's wrong
Message 3047 of 3,109

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@Toby for myself and other customers on upgrade on us can you back date our new contract to the date of our upgrade so our tariff and device plan we are still paying would have counted to the new one if that makes sense

That way we haven't paid more money for no reason and our upgrade for the iPhone 8 is still in rough date for 2017....makes sense more than being offered nothing but a poor service
Message 3048 of 3,109

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After waiting for over a month for my new iPhone 7 Plus to arrive until I got my hands on it finally, I can really appreciate what you guys who still haven't received yours are going through.
It might also be a good idea if O2 updated their "iPhone 7 update" web page, which hasn't been altered since the 6th October. Come on O2 - you really need to do a LOT better!
I hate to think how many loyal customers they have lost through this debacle.
Message 3049 of 3,109

Not applicable

Hi Toby, many thanks. I understand this is not an O2's fault but due to Apple shortage, however I am, as many others, paying a premium for an annual update (refresh, yearly upgrade on us). I have now been paying 3 months extra (upgraded on 25th of September, phone now expected for not before the 22nd of December), and I would expect either a refund of the 3 past months (this is what actually I was told it was going to happen in store when I ugraded) or the possibility to upgrade next year 3 months earlier. I hope O2 will take care and protect its customers. Kind regards

Message 3050 of 3,109