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Can’t unlock phone - What am I doing wrong?

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I've been wanting to unlock my iPhone 5s that used to be Pay Monthly (and has been paid off) but after using my PAC code it is now PAYG. I foolishly didn't unlock it before using my PAC code. 
- I've "made a few calls" using the PAYG sim and it's recognised by the network
- Ive tried the 'Unlock this Device' on MyO2, but it only says something like "This device has already been requested to unlock" which isn't helpful

- I've tried the Manuel form many times, but I keep getting an email saying the security checks didn't go through. I don't have a "customer support" password, and I used the numbers of my mum's house phone and my partner's boyfriend. Niether of them are wrong.

- I've tried to follow every guide that gets linked on this forum, to no success.


The stress of this is causing health issues to flare up again, and honestly it's hard to recommend a network like this to any friends of family when leaving is such a hassle considering the price isn't that good.


NOW I've just received an email saying my latest request "has been rejected as there are multiple unlock requests received"

Does this mean I'll never be able to unlock it? Unlocked phones don't sell well, but I'd be forced to buy a new phone.

Message 1 of 5

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Have you tried another SIM already?

Guide: Unlocking an O2 phone to use a different SIM card 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 5

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Yeah, tried with a Vodaphone sim and my phone tells me to get the phone unlocked. Forgot to say that in the original post

Message 3 of 5

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@8BitGalaxy wrote:

- I've tried the Manuel form many times, but I keep getting an email saying the security checks didn't go through. I don't have a "customer support" password,


You can set or reset the password in your MyO2 and is different to your login details.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 4 of 5

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The security check is sending the code to my old number, the one that's under Vodaphone and I can't use without an unlocked phone (Which would be easier if we could interact with people right now lmao)


I had to guess what my security password would be, because I think I might have one. We'll see if it works. I only want to call O2 as a last resort, since I hate phone calls and I know they're incredibly busy right now.


Whatever happens, thank you for trying to help

Message 5 of 5