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samsung phone fire !!!

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Thiis morning at 5am ish i was woken up by a crackling sound to my horror my phone was sparking smouldering. just before i was about to lift it the battery popped and burst into flames. the phone is now completely ruined and i have burns in my carpet and it has melted part of my bedroom window. there was no prior warnings and the phone was in good condition. This happened at 5 am in the morning and if i had not woken up i would not be here now asking for advice. i contacted your chat service today and ive got to be honest i should just have spoken to a lettuce. all the operator was saying was "we'll send you a new simcard" and " you will have to buy  new handset" !!! i'm going to have to replace the carpet and the part of the window tats melted so my last thought is buying a new phone !!!! he said id get my sim card for free..... i dont think he was taking my complaint seriously......


where do i stand on this? im fuming and im shaken by wat could have happened.


Message 1 of 48

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It was a good call. The comments made by live chat were completely wrong... lacking in empathy and understanding.  It is a damn good job @Anonymous came to the forum for help and support. (Particularly when you realise there may be dangers for others)


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 31 of 48

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in reply to asking if the phone was over heating etc. NO there was no warning prior to what has happened. no damage,no water there was nothing to suggest this was goin to happen. like i said i eard a noise of crackiling which i will take as being the case swelling then i smelt melting plastic soon as i reached towards the phone no more than 10 seconds after i woke up the batter popped and was in flames. 


i shall post the transcript i had with the agent yesterday morning. 02 are the middle man, this should not have happened at all to anyone. 

Message 32 of 48

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this is the convo...... only thing edited is my address, surname and password.....everything else is fact.


info: Welcome to O2, someone will be with you soon.

info: You are through to O2 Guru - Rajat

O2 GURU -: Hi my name is O2 Guru - Rajat, how may I help?

STUART: hi Rajat. i have a major concern which happened this morning.

O2 GURU -: Okay !!

STUART: so this happened at 5am this morning. i was woken up by the crackling of the battery, then 2 seconds later it burst into sounded like catherine wheel going off. Ive never seen flames like it from such a small battery. i'm just glad it woke me up or i wouldnt be here now writing this.

STUART: my mobile phone was in flames.

O2 GURU -: Oh !! Are you Okay ?

STUART: im in shock and shaken. ive lost all my numbers, the phones destroyed.

O2 GURU -: Oh no !! , Was your phone kept for charging  for a long time ?

STUART: no, i went to bed at 3am. i dont drink,i dont smoke. i charge it every night as i always have done. there was no warning at all.

O2 GURU -: I am sure there had been something wrong !!, as it will not blew up on it own !!

O2 GURU -: Can I just confirm your full name & mobile number you're contacting us about?

STUART: stuart (SURNAME) 077********

STUART: well obviously something was wrong!! with the phone as ive never had one do this before.

O2 GURU -: Just to confirm, are you the account holder ?


O2 GURU -: Can you tell me the 1st and 3rd characters of your security answer please?


O2 GURU -: perfect match

O2 GURU -: Thanks


O2 GURU -: Shall i send you a new sim card with same old number ?

STUART: well that would be a good start i suppose.

O2 GURU -: Okay, Please help me with your address once


O2 GURU -: Thanks, I have arranged a new sim card for you, free of cost,

O2 GURU -: it will be delivered in 1-3 working days

STUART: ok, not that i can use it with no phone now

O2 GURU -: Please Just contact us back when you receive it

O2 GURU -: So that we can activate it for you, Do you wish to buy a  new device also ?

STUART: i'm not buying a new phone !! i dont think you realise just how bad this could have been. i'm not talking about a small little flame, the phone was engulfed in flames.....the carpet is burnt and so is the window.....i am going to have to replace the carpet and the window !! its not about a sim card or a mobile phone. it could have been my life or someone elses life if i hadnt have woken up.!!!

O2 GURU -: I can understand that, I thank god that you are Safe, is there something I can help with it ?

STUART: how can you help? are you kidding me? my mobile phone as burst into flames and your asking me what I think YOU can help me with it?

O2 GURU -: Stuart from here we can only suggest you to buy a new phone

STUART: right. how fantastic your company is..

info: stuart has left the chat

Message 33 of 48

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To be fair to the chat guy, you didn't explain your phones was 6 months old and under warranty.
I know you were in shock but you could have given him more info to work with, do you think?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 34 of 48

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Fascinating stuff that. He sends you a new sim to put in your destroyed phone and asks you to ring back so they can activate it for you!!! Then when his brain actually slips back into gear he asks if you want to buy a new phone Evil Beggars belief.

Mind you he did ask if you were ok....absolute fool....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 35 of 48

Not applicable

in all honesty i wasnt thinking about time lines, warranties etc. The phone which i use had burst into flames. All i wanted then was answers and help. wether the phone was 2 days or 2 years old was irrelevent. my concern was it had nearly cost me my life. i wasnt asked how long id had the phone or how old it was, if i had of been asked id have answered.

Message 36 of 48

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@Cleoriff thats exactly how i felt at the time. i was angry and upset, above my flat is a mother and a small child. i could not have lived with myself if the fire had taken hold and something worse had happened. ive spoken to ofcom,citizens advice both have said its not my fault.

Message 37 of 48

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@Anonymous I've just reread the entire thread, and I just would like to clarify something. Did you purchase this phone from O2 or from somewhere else? You never actually said.


Message 38 of 48

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from 02
Message 39 of 48

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Was it a refurb?


Message 40 of 48