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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Android board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Android board! If you have an Android device or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members! If your question is about your account please remember this is a pu...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! s4 mini screen cracked after 1month

Please advise me. I only just got phone and it feel off ny sofa and now has a crack am I under warranty? I don't how to go bout Fixing it?Thanks.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Sony Z1 Compact help - calls cutting out after 10seconds

I have had my z1 compact for about a month and now for about a week everytime I make or recieve a call just goes silent the person cant hear me and I cant hear them, the phone hasnt hung up it acts as if it is still on the phoneIts not the signal or ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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failed to sign in

here we go agian, phone rebooted other morning dont no if this is why but was all good till this mornig my phone stared pinging failed to sign in whats that all about now when i know i should,nt i going into settings yikes look around find password p...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! 4.4 Kitkat update

Anyone know when this will happen for the s4? Prob not for awhile but just curious

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! S4 Kitkat NFC icon missing

The NFC icon is missing in my status bar even though its turned on, anyone else have this problem since updateing to Kitkat

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Samsung S3 - text messages not arriving

For a few weeks now, I'm told by various friends that they have sent me text messages and that I haven't replied. The reason is, is that I haven't been receiving them - it's on at least 10-15 occasions over the last month I reckon. I rang O2 and they...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! WiFi connection is unstable

Hi guysHave had a look round and can't seem to see an answer for this.I am frequently getting warnings on my S4 handsets telling me my Wi Fi connection is unstable. This has only been happening since 4.3 update and does not happen on my home wifi.It ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Samsung Galaxy S3 and Android 4.3 Problems.

Hi Guys,I'm having some trouble with the latest update to my S3 and was wondering if I was in a minority or whether anyone else is experiencing the same issues.This update seems to have knocked my phone back to the stone age, my phone now burns thoug...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Galaxy S3 Suddenly Died

I've had my Galaxy S3 for just over a year now and it's been quite good, however yesterday after working perfectly fine for most of the day it just decided to die. This is despite the phone being on at least 70% battery.I have no idea whatls caused t...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! 02 signal - what is going on

I was sent a new sim card because I get 1 bar if I'm lucky at home and often nothing. This also happens in other areas of north leeds. I have been with 02 since I got my first phone apart from two years with orange and had great signal until late las...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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