I recently got the Xperia 1 from O2 and for a couple of days the WiFi calling was working now it is not. I have done many restarts of the phone, checked the firmware, but have had no luck getting it back i.e. there is no options in the networks settings available for it anymore. Can anyone help?
Lost WiFi calling again after 1-2 weeks of availability. Fed up of this will i/won't I gamble of wifi calling. Cannot make calls again from home (in Wales). I have been an O2 customer for 15 yrs+ but if I wasn't tied to 3yr contract now I would leave immediately. (my partner on EE has never had any of these issues with WiFi calling).
But @PhoneCharger unless I have a spare £500 to pay of the contract for that. So not really, so that's the catch and still keeps me tied to them! Even recycling will not fully refund the phone cost!