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Updates (Google?) have swallowed this months data and a bolt on and I dont think its finished yet

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Several things coincided on the 7th 1)  away from home   2) smartphone was shut down over night  3) never knew updates happened.   Im really cheesed off as Whats app was the way my small family kept in touch.


02 chat service helped me find out how this months data went in a few hours. I ordered a bolt on . But tonight that has gone as well.  I can only message or email the family for the next 2 weeks. My smartphone is switched off. The clam shell is on.  Some of you will know how hard it was for me to start using a smartphone................Destroy

Do iphones have this trouble?     Or any advice re losing so much data from my monthly supply?




Message 1 of 13

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1 - You can use your sim in any phone so that's no problem.
2 - The update sounds like it's still downloading so I suggest you turn that on without the sim and connect to wifi, then leave it to finish downloading and installing the update. You can then put your sim back in that phone if you wish to.
3 - 202202 is the number that O2 send from for customer service feedback surveys, so it's OK to answer them.
Anything else, just ask slight_smile
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View solution in original post

Message 6 of 13

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@Jenny105  you should turn off your mobile data whilst connected to your wifi. This will prevent any accidental mobile data use.

We've got a help guide here too

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Message 2 of 13

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Thanks     Its  strange I thought I'd done that !! But I'm obviously still not familiar with my settings !!  I'll check out the guide . Thanks for your previous reply we left early and  it  didnt reach me in time. 

02 chat service have sent me some tips on auto upgrades.

The phone will be staying off for the next few days. Back to clamshell. Thats part of being deaf one withdraws.    However my son's sis in law is coming over on Thursday and we'll go thru the guide. 

@MI5 wrote:

@Jenny105  you should turn off your mobile data whilst connected to your wifi. This will prevent any accidental mobile data use.

We've got a help guide here too


Message 3 of 13

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Best of luck with it and we're here if you need to ask anymore questions......
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 4 of 13

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@MI5 wrote:
Best of luck with it and we're here if you need to ask anymore questions......

Hi     yes please . Itried 02 chat x 2 . Neither understood the need. The first gave me a bolt on which was immediately swallowed. The 2nd suggested uninstalling the app..... but what app ?  As apart from Whats app and sudoku downloaded app I dont use any.......... So

Ive removed the sim card and placed it in my clam shell phone for messaging -     Is that safe? Or do i need a new sim card for now


Whilst travelling an ''update message ''came up on the smartphone and unthinkingly i clicked on it. This was obviously the mistake.

What has happened?  Can i stop the gobbling up ?  

Or any other rememdies.  

Ive had a meassage from 202202    enquiring about the conversation with an 02 agent?  Does this number come from 02    or is it dubious.  I used the computer for the enquiry by the way not the phone.  

This all shows what ignorance , tiredness and travelling can do !!!!!!     Thanks


Message 5 of 13

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1 - You can use your sim in any phone so that's no problem.
2 - The update sounds like it's still downloading so I suggest you turn that on without the sim and connect to wifi, then leave it to finish downloading and installing the update. You can then put your sim back in that phone if you wish to.
3 - 202202 is the number that O2 send from for customer service feedback surveys, so it's OK to answer them.
Anything else, just ask slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 6 of 13

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@MI5 wrote:
1 - You can use your sim in any phone so that's no problem.
2 - The update sounds like it's still downloading so I suggest you turn that on without the sim and connect to wifi, then leave it to finish downloading and installing the update. You can then put your sim back in that phone if you wish to.
3 - 202202 is the number that O2 send from for customer service feedback surveys, so it's OK to answer them.
Anything else, just ask slight_smile

I found some posts on 02 which talked about data disappearing. Blame put on 02 !!   But this maybe different. 

I'll pop the phone on wifi this eve as suggested.

When updates pop up. Can i ignore them ??????  Or delay - if travelling ?   Or just remove sim and use wifi.  

Message 7 of 13

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Ignore any updates unless you are connected to wifi and make sure they complete before you move away from the wifi hotspot.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 8 of 13

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A couple of things that might be sensible @Jenny105 (most of which follow on from @MI5's posts):
-make sure auto update on the Google Play store is either off or set to WiFi only
-same with software updates (mine are set to only download on WiFi
-you can turn off sync and background updates for either all apps or choose which can do so. This means that apps will only use data as and when you use them or tell them to.

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Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 9 of 13

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@gmarkj wrote:
A couple of things that might be sensible @Jenny105 (most of which follow on from @MI5's posts):
-make sure auto update on the Google Play store is either off or set to WiFi only
-same with software updates (mine are set to only download on WiFi
-you can turn off sync and background updates for either all apps or choose which can do so. This means that apps will only use data as and when you use them or tell them to.

Thanks. M15 knows I am new to the use of smartphones because my hearing is partial and depleting. Your suggestions are very useful. I did in fact go through the Settings last night however I didnt notice auto update. download on wifi etc.  Would you let me know exactly where in the phone these are to be found and under what setting name.


There were a lot of coincidental factors involved in this incident - being away from home, being in France, and others. But that is not to say this issue could not happen again in future if not checked.


02 members M15 and yourself were of greater help that 02 chat this time. I was sold a bolt on which was swallowed immediately because the agent hadnt recognised the issue.   Byeee

Message 10 of 13