on 08-06-2017 12:02
on 08-06-2017 12:02
Hi there,
Sat watching a video last night on my Galzy S6 edge and phone dies! The power light on the front is flashing all sorts of colours and phone seems to be constantly on some sort of re-booting loop. Tried the o2 Gurus and googled to death ways to get it working all to no avail.
I have no idea what on earth is going on with it but looks like I'm going to either have to get it rpaired or cut my losses.
For info I'm still in my 2 year contract which ends in August. If I send this for repair will I more than likely be charged for this?
I'm so annoyed!!
on 08-06-2017 13:18
I can't actually remember what the splash screen loads up as so will check it at home as I left the thing abanodoned there today.
Thanks a lot for your help. Will see how I get on.
on 08-06-2017 13:23
on 08-06-2017 13:23
on 09-06-2017 18:06
on 09-06-2017 18:06