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Bootloader Unlocking Xperia S. Legal Implications

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Hello all,


Recent conversation regarding bootloader unlocking with Sony Customer 'Support' have told me that although I am now SIM free from O2 my firmware is still locked to O2 and they cannot help me with unlocking the bootloader to enable me to update to Generic firmware due to legal reasons.


I am familiar with flashtool and have sucessfully updated my firmware to .45 and .50 but have had to backtrack to .453 due to issues with the app tray refusing to show apps after page 3.


Does anyone have any information why it is illegal for sony to unlock my bootloader and any ways out there that I can do it manually.


Also, does anyone else have the page 3 app tray issue? I've tried re-flashing a few times with no success (They were all stock Generic firmwares as as stated my bootloader is locked and have had to stick with stock Kernel)





Message 1 of 28

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Looks like we're out of luck - according to o2 twitter account we won't be getting unlocked bootloaders.  Toby replied to my PM and said that was basically the response he's had from his contacts at o2 too.  


"We don't offer boot loader unlocking or advice on how to Laurence as we don't recommend it." 


Message 21 of 28

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So the moral of the story is not to buy from O2 or a O2 branded Sony mobile.....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 22 of 28

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Certainly seems that way.

I'll be buying off-contract next time, possibly the next Nexus iteration of an S4... then shop around for sim-only tariffs when my contract ends, which isn't too far away.

If o2 want to limit what I can do with a phone simply because they supply it then they can lose my custom.

I just find the whole thing a little daft, because there is nothing stopping me from buying an unbranded Xperia S, shoving a custom rom on, and having it on the o2 network. And in fact, I'm using a debranded EU rom anyway (less bloat than o2's)... so this whole thing is just so..... pointless.

Ah well... at least we now have an official answer.
Message 23 of 28

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Agreed. Its completely pointless......?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 24 of 28

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I've just tweeted this "All very well they don't recommend it, but after my contract has expired surely then it's my decision ?" I don't think my next phone will be a Sony or with O2.
Message 25 of 28

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@Anonymous wrote:
I've just tweeted this "All very well they don't recommend it, but after my contract has expired surely then it's my decision ?" I don't think my next phone will be a Sony or with O2.

As it's not their phone anymore they legally have no right to with hold that from you.....

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 26 of 28

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Craziness beyond belief!

As I've stated before and others have stated. Unlocking the bootloader does nothing for O2 but everything for the Android expierience!

I too am a custom ROM.

In fact a French one (Those in the know will know why!)

This has none of O2's bloatware and because it's rooted I can remove what system apps I deem necessary(sp.) to remove.

So why O2 deem it so that they will not unlock a bootloader is beyond me. Fingers crossed when I get the JB ftf it'll somehow bypass this.


[EDIT] I personally am not a custom ROM, I meerly am using one!! LOL

Message 27 of 28

Not applicable

"As it's not their phone anymore they legally have no right to with hold that from you....."


And yet, that is what they are doing.  


From twitter:

"@O2 Not recommended aside, can o2 supply me with the BL key for MY phone, Sony can't at o2's request, very limited because I bought from o2!"


Got this response:

"@laurencefirth Regrettably not Laurence, sorry."


Best just avoid o2 altogether in the future for phone purchases... seems if they can cripple your phone for no other reason than they can, they will.  

Message 28 of 28