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Want to join our Aura trial programme?

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Hi everyone,


If you were around on the O2 Community in August last year, you might remember when we announced Aura, the new virtual assistant feature within My O2. We also announced a community feedback trial for Aura, where we gather feedback, suggestions and ideas from the community in a special trial board that our testers have access to.


We'd like to say a big thank you to those members who have helped to develop Aura so far with your feedback! A lot has been improved based on your comments. pray


The trial is still on-going, although during the lockdown we've had to slow things down for a while. As things are slowly getting back to normal now, we'd like to continue to gather feedback and ideas from the trial group! We're looking for more testers to join, so if you're interested in taking part in the trial, please do let us know by replying to this topic, or by sending me a PM.


What's been happening with Aura so far?

We now have more data around what customers are asking and what answers they’re getting from Aura. This has meant we can be more effective when training Aura in order to improve the customer experience. We also introduced more answers to help customers out during COVID-19 and made Aura more available to customers adding it to our Help and Support and Contact Us pages.

We have improved our support around payments and billing, added content around our new Disney+ offer and we’re working on adding content for our pre-pay customers. In the background we’ve been designing and building new personalised journeys – which we have built with your advice and steer in mind. Watch this space!


What's coming up next?

The next couple of months are going to be really exciting in Aura but it’s still Top Secret so we can’t share just yet. But we have been focusing on personalised, interactive journeys which will improve how customers can use Aura and the support that it provides. If you’re part of the trial group you will get to experience these new features as soon as they go live. So watch this space it’s about to get really busy!


We'd love for you to join our trial group!

We really love to give our community members the chance to help support the development of Aura and shape the things she can help with in the future. We'd like to invite any interested members to join us in a special trial space here on the community to work closely with O2 to help develop Aura.

This will include testing new user journeys, suggesting ideas for journeys and feeding back any information that can help. We look to share regular updates and information, give insights into future developments and look for your advice on where to go next.

At the moment, you can use Aura in your My O2 app if you're a Pay Monthly customer. But don't worry, even if you are on Pay as You Go or Business, you can still get involved in other ways, for example by suggesting what questions you think Aura should understand.



Are you interested in joining our test group? Let us know in the comments! thumbsup


Message 1 of 7

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I would love to join it @Marjo.
Message 2 of 7

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@Luke30 wrote:
I would love to join it @Marjo.

Excellent, thanks @Luke30 ! thumbsup I will drop you a Private Message soon to discuss further.


Message 3 of 7

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Yes I’d like to participate in the Aura trial if I’m eligible ! 

Message 4 of 7

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Sorry for the late reply @Paddiewack, I was on holiday. The Aura trial is currently paused but we do have a similar trial going for Priority. Details here. Please let me know if that's something that interests you and I can give you access to the board and all the info you need. 

COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
Access for You: Registration - Find out how to register for our Access for You service.
Just joined the community or thinking of registering? Check out this handy starter guide!
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If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 5 of 7

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I'm interested

Message 6 of 7

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No thank you but thanks for replying. 👋

Message 7 of 7