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Huawei & Android: The latest from O2

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Hi everyone, 


As most of you will have seen, Huawei has been in the news this week and we’re here to update and reassure our customers who use Huawei or Honor devices. This week the US Commerce Department has granted a temporary license restoring Huawei’s ability to maintain existing networks and provide software updates to existing Huawei handsets until August 2019.


We’re continuing to monitor the situation to understand any and all potential implications for our customers and we’ll update this thread with the latest information.


The situation for existing customers

Huawei has indicated that for existing Huawei and Honor devices which are currently on the market, things will stay the same for now and the phones will continue to operate normally, including access to Google services such as Google Play, Gmail, etc. Huawei has confirmed these devices will continue to receive security updates from Android and will be covered by Huawei’s after-sales service.  Based on the current situation, availability of software updates (including apps and bug fixes) after 19 August 2019 cannot be confirmed and it’s possible the ongoing issue could prevent the upgrade of existing apps from taking place.


The situation for new/future customers

For anyone considering purchasing a Huawei or Honor device, we want to help you understand the current situation as best as we can, from what Google and Huawei have made public so far:

  • To date, Huawei has not confirmed the availability of future Android updates for their devices.
  • However, the US Government has issued a partial and temporary license (expiring 19 August) which permits Huawei to provide service and support, including software updates and patches to existing Huawei devices that were available to the public on or before 16 May.
  • Based on the current situation, availability of software updates (including apps and bug fixes) after 19 August 2019 cannot be confirmed and it’s possible the ongoing issue could prevent the upgrade of existing apps from taking place.


In all cases, we continue to analyse the situation closely. We will be in permanent contact with Google and Huawei, in order to share with our customers any additional relevant information.


We understand many of you have some specific questions, so we’d like to cover these below.


I am an existing Huawei smartphone user, what does this mean for me?

  • Your device will continue to function as it does today.
  • All the Google services and apps will continue to function and you will be able to download & update applications from the Play Store.
  • Huawei will be able to issue Android security updates based on patches provided by Google.
  • Based on the current situation, availability of software updates (including bug fixes) after 19 August 2019 cannot be confirmed.

*The information provided is based on Huawei's statements.


Q. I am thinking of purchasing a new Huawei smartphone from the current available range, what does this mean for me? 

  • Your device will come with full current Android software, including all the normal Google applications.
  • All the Google services and apps will continue to function and you will be able to download & update applications from the Play Store.
  • Huawei will be able to issue Android security updates based on patches provided by Google.
  • Based on the current situation, availability of software updates (including apps and bug fixes) after 19 August 2019 cannot be confirmed and it’s possible the ongoing issue could prevent the upgrade of existing apps from taking place.

*The information provided is based on Huawei's statements.


Can I return my Huawei/Honor device for a refund or exchange as a result of this issue?

  • Yes, if you’re within your 14-day Change of Mind period. If you’re outside of 14 days, you will not be able to return the device for a refund on the basis of the current situation while your device continues to work as it should. We will continue to monitor the situation and advise customers if things change.


What about Honor products?

  • Honor is not officially included in the list, but as a Huawei subsidiary and as confirmed by Huawei and Google, it is likely that Honor is impacted in the same way as Huawei.


Will Google Services continue to work on existing Huawei phones?

  • Google have publicly stated “We assure you while we are complying with all US gov't requirements, services like Google Play & security from Google Play Protect will keep functioning on your existing Huawei device.”

Will Google apps/services continue receiving updates?

  • Google and Huawei have confirmed for now that Google apps will continue being updated through Google Play.  Based on the current situation, availability of software updates (including apps and bug fixes) after 19 August 2019 cannot be confirmed and it’s possible the ongoing issue could prevent the upgrade of existing apps from taking place.


I heard that Huawei have been granted a 90 day license extension, what does this mean?

  • The US government has issued a partial and temporary licence (expiring 19 August 2019) which permits Huawei to provide service and support, including software updates and patches to existing Huawei handsets that were available to the public on or before 16 May 2019.  Based on the current situation, availability of software updates (including apps and bug fixes) after 19 August 2019 cannot be confirmed and it’s possible the ongoing issue could prevent the upgrade of existing apps from taking place.

449 Huawei Info_v2_01-1.png

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Message 1 of 50

Level 56: Guvnor
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Thanks for the clarification on O2s policy on this @Chris_K
Hopefully will advise a few customers better than the media hypefest
Message 2 of 50

Level 67: Unsung hero
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Thanks for confirming what most of us thought @Chris_K.

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 3 of 50

Level 43: Bright Spark
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Thanks for the update @Chris_K, it was as,I expected. O2 are between a rock and a hard place if the situation, not of their making, nor Google's to be honest, escalates.


Let's hope wiser heads prevail and it all sorts itself out, or Trump actually listens to his advisers!

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 4 of 50

Level 94: Supreme
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Thanks for this @Chris_K 

We will be able to direct everyone to this thread now thumbsup

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 50

Level 17: Luminescent
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Thanks @Chris_K . As a Huawei owner I am obviously concerned, so this thread is extremely helpful and means I don't have to trawl through the "other" thread for useful info.


My biggest concern is my use of apps that could potentially be exploited such as Google Pay, and any other app that could be exploited to gather my personal info. I guess we'll see what happens after this "grace period".


Message 6 of 50

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There needs to be something done about this by a consumer protection body or similar. "If" things do not improve and Huawei phones cease to be supported a lot of people are going to be £100's of pounds out of pocket. It's alright to say we have nothing to worry about until 19/08/19 but there's no guarantee that things will change after that. In the meantime there's nothing you can do if you have passed your 14 day return period and that's what needs reveiwing under these circumstances. While it is not o2 or other networks fault regarding the Huawei issue, equally it is not the consumers who have bought these products. The networks aren't going to lose out as much as everyday people are especially if you have only just got a new phone due to them only being recently released. You have either bought it outright or are going to be paying for it for up to 3 years when it could be potentially worthless and by the looks of things at the moment you cannot get a decent return for trade in or renewing on o2 refresh. Since yesterday they have knocked another £175 off the trade in value and are now offering a scandalous £100 for the P30 Pro rage that's at least £300 they have knocked off the trade in value just over the last couple of days. The P30 Pro costs well over £800 and has only been released recently released and it's value has lost over £700 according to o2 recycle just in this week.  It is not right that myself and others should have to pay the full price for this phone if we want to change to something else or even if things don't improve after  August 19th be offered no decent trade in value in order to pay off refresh/contract in order to get a new handset. 

I was hoping trade in and upgrade to a 5G handset when they are released thinking that trading in the P30 Pro would give a decent return when the time came to do this and not have as much large initial outlay to find, the same way I did with o2 refresh to get this P30 Pro. No way I can do that now if  they will only offer £100 so am trapped and this should not be the case. This phone is worth more than £100. At the very least the device plan should be reduced if they are de-valuing the handset so soon after launch or extend the 14 day return period, but do not rip off your customers.

My Payment

HUAWEI P30 Pro 128GB

Message 7 of 50

Level 20: Radiant
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My cousin and auntie got huwei not sure which ones they got tho I told them both nothing they can do there on Vodafone tho and to better explain I sent them some o2 community articles to better explanation
Message 8 of 50

Level 17: Luminescent
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I have to say that if O2 are actively and deliberately reducing the trade in value for these brand new phones then that to me is exploiting the situation to their own gain and is morally wrong.  Is situations like this O2 should not be seeking to make a profit of the consumer.


Message 9 of 50

Level 94: Supreme
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I don't think they are. As I said at the start, watch the value of these devices plummet. O2 are just reflecting market value.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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