Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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I accidentally paid my bill twice and want a refund, how do i ask? I’ve tried everything and cant get a response?

No more data/3G in France

Hi,Due to the global pandemic, I am currently stuck in France. it has now been a few weeks that I have had loads of issues with my mobile data network coverage, and my data rarely works when I am not connected to wifi. Is there a specific reason for ...

Resolved! Number transfer from BT to O2 - Query

Hi. Apologies in advance if this has been asked previously. I have taken out a new monthly contract with handset for my son, moving from BT (we also have 2 existing O2 contracts). The PAC code was provided during the purchase and the new sim has been...

Steve_UK by Level 1: Joiner
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Disney+ 6month activation

I got the 6 months free disney+ offer so I redeemed the code and activated. Now I keep getting emails telling me to activate in the next few days. When I try to activate again it says I have already activated but on my o2 dashboard it says I still ne...

phuduhudu by Level 1: Joiner
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Sim Swap

I took out a new O2 pay monthly contract and did as sim swap as I wanted to keep my old Pay as you go number. It has been 5/6 days now and when I text from the phone the receiver still seems the new pay monthly number not the old pay as you go number...

248527427 by Level 1: Joiner
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landline block

Can anyone help as i'm going round in circles via the phone and O2 web page trying to talk to somone about my problem. Few days ago my mobile stopped connecting to land line numbers. It will say numbeer not in use or just seemingly ring the number th...

Bea2 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! iPhone se 2020

Just received my iPhone 12 se2020, and a cable. No plug? Wont fit the old charger. Should I of received a plug?

Madge98 by Level 1: Joiner
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Replacement iPhone - same SIM card not working

Hi, I just received a replacement iPhone due to my previous one being damaged. I kept my same SIM card and have inserted it into my new phone and it is not giving me any service to be able to make phone calls, send texts, use data etc. I believe the ...

mbrown168 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! upgrade question

Hi all. my account says i'am able to upgrade to a device in 25 days. i'am currently on a sim only contract and have been on it for nearly 6 months.will i be able to choose any phone of my liking?

LiamO by Level 1: Joiner
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