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Switched From Tesco Mobile, Voicemail Not Working

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Hi there. As the Subject title indicates, I have been unable to activate voicemail since I switched from Tesco Mobile to 02 just over a week ago. I am aware that Tesco effectively 'piggybacks' on the 02 network, so I have no idea if this is the source of the problems. The bottom line is that I have gone back and forth with 02 customer services over the course of the week and appear to be getting nowhere. When I dial 1750 to activate voicemail, I get the following message:


"Your messaging service could not be set up as we have not received your number - please call customer services for assistance".


I can see that others on this forum have had the same or a similar problem, but none of the suggested solutions have worked so far. I tried deactivating the 4g and wifi calling, and while this did actually result in the issue appearing to resolve itself (there was no "we have not received your number" message) when my phone was called, the voicemail was still not active. The phone would just ring before cutting off. The matter has been referred to 02 technical teams, but so far nothing seems to work. The slightly odd thing is that if I dial 901, I can access my voicemail mailbox with the greeting intact from when I originally set it up on the Tesco network. Tesco is adamant that the mailbox is no longer active on their network. I've tried resetting the PIN on the voicemail, updating the iPhone name it. I'm losing patience at this point, particularly as I really need voicemail for my business. Help!!


Message 1 of 16

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Hi, I'm having a similar issue..

Since porting from Tesco mobile I'm having trouble setting up my voicemail. I've turned it on using 1750 and also set the length of time the phone rings with **61*901*11*25#. I've rang 901 and it seems that I still have Tesco mobiles voicemail, not O2's? Also, to test the service, I've called my mobile number from a landline and another mobile and I'm unable to leave a message. From the landline I get the message "the number you are calling is temporarily unavailable, please try again later" and from a mobile I get the massage "the number you have called is not recognised". My mobile rings when called from another phone and if I answer it connects but the voicemail is broken. What can I do, is this something to do with the port from Tesco to O2?

Message 11 of 16

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Your voicemail needs resetting.

Looks like you should contact customer service as they can help with that – message them on Social Media if that works best for you -on Facebook ( , Twitter ( or Instagram ( or call on 202 or 0344 809 0202 (contract) or 4445 or 0344 8090222 (PAYG).

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 12 of 16

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@MI5 Okay thanks, I'll get on to them and let you know the outcome. 👍🏻

Message 13 of 16

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Hi there.. Did you ever get this problem resolved? I've been toing and froing with O2 and Tesco for the last few days and nobody seems to know how to resolve this voicemail issue. I've been waiting on O2 and their technical team to respond but I always have to chase them, not the best introduction to their network.

Message 14 of 16

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@MI5All sorted.. I now have O2 voicemail on my phone. I don't know why but there seems to be a delay (even after my number was ported over) in the voicemail becoming active. This may have something to do with waiting for my final bill from Tesco as when I received this my O2 voicemail became active. I had to contact O2 a few times to get this resolved but I never heard back from them when the voicemail was up and running, so a bit disappointed in their customer care. Main thing it's working.

Message 15 of 16

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Good news @Jules70 

Sometimes takes a while for the systems to catch up.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 16 of 16