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O2 Dodgy Sales Practices?

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Been a customer with O2 for nearly 10 years.  two contracts running, then several years on Simplicity plan.  so in september when my phone died i thought i would see what upgrade/new contracts they had.  


September 28th they sold me a contract for 13.50 a month, cheaper than my Simplicity plan. (15.50 pm)  I was very thorough and assured that they had included my requirements from the simplicity plan as well as a data package.   they were quite eager to put me on a 24 month contract and provide me with an HTC Desire C. 


they have now changed my contract.. without telling me, overcharged me two months in a row.. had to pay £72 pounds for Octobers bill (and part of septembers bill) I relised something was wrong but in order to keep my phone goingI had to Pay it., and now they are charging me £82 pounds for Novembers bill.. which i still have 10 days until the billing cycle ends.    


so what have they done.  the Promised me:   300 minutes, unlimited texts, free 02 to 02 calls, and free landlines as well as 100 mb data.  originally it was sold to me for 13.50 per month.  5 days later when i checked online in "myO2" it was showing as 18.50 per month.   I rang as i was still in my 7 day cool down period.. asked details of the contract i was on.. and apparently they had not given me unlimited texts... nor free 02 to 02 calls (i put my kids on o2 just for this reason) and no free landline calls.. (which account for over half my minutes due to customers, suppliers, and partners landline


When i phone within the 7 day grace period, they assured me they would sort it out, and even send me a free leather case. (which was say too small to use with my desire C)  and instead.. they were simply putting me off so i fell out of the grace period. 


I am now stuck paying over £90 a month for a contract that should have been cheaper than my simplicity plan..  which i am not only unhappy about, but i intend to take further action if it is not sorted by this friday.   i have been passed from advisor to advisor.  


I have also been told by some advisors that they cannot listen to the voice tapes of my phone calls within the first week, due to it being at a "different call centre".   For heavens sake O2, you are a communications company. you cant even phone one call centre from another one.   what is this saying about your ability to serve communications to customers if you cant even talk to yourself.  


if this is not resolved by the end of the week, i fully intend to report them practising unethical business practises, and will take matters further.  for £90 per month.. it is well worth it to seek legal advice as well.  i will not let them walk all over the little guy .. weather purposefully, or accidently due to poor training or internal mistakes. 


vodaphone.. Tmobile.. you shall soon have my business and my childrens and partners if this is how O2 treat their long term customers. 


Dan P

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