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Local Unplanned outages - money back?

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Ever since I moved to my address a few months ago I've never had a decent signal. I decided to call o2 to see if there was an issue and was told that there is mast down near me, an unplanned outage and that they were working on it but there was no timescale as to when it would be fixed. I think there should at least be a reduction on my monthly bill as I am not getting the service I pay for, I can barely make a call at home, haven't been able to for months - and these is with two different handsets/models.

Message 1 of 8

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Level 94: Supreme
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If other people are getting a signal on O2 in your house then the issue must be with either your phone or sim card.
Try taking the sim out, cleaning it and putting it back in.
If that doesn't work contact O2 for a replacement sim card.
If still no good you may have to send your phone in to get repaired......
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 7 of 8

Level 69: Guiding Light
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You could apply for a goodwill payment once the mast is fixed, but bear in mind there is no guarantee of a good signal for anyone on any network.


The TuGo app might help if you have a wi-fi router at home.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 2 of 8

Not applicable

Hi Magic Revolver


Can I ask where abouts in the UK you are please?


For the last two weeks I have been experiencing no signal or abismal signal, failed calls, no calls, no texts, failed texts etc I try to call someone it goes silent like it wont connect, I cancel call then try again and it just keeps saying failed.  Bearing in mind this is a new phone onlt took out contract in September.


On Saturday I went into O2 shop and the girl said oh its your sim, I'll swap it for you, no mention of a mast down. 


Last night it was still the same, infact I have started taking regular pictures showing zero signal (I USED to get full bars). I went on the wee O2 help chat, the guy I spoke to was really nice and it was then that I was told there was a mast down near me.


Being severely disabled and in constant need of my phone to ensure I can contact someone if I fall etc this is NOT a good service for me.  I am beginning to get a little miffed to be honest.


Now I stay in Edinburgh and I'm now just curious if they've said you have a mast near you - and its nowhere near Edinburgh etc then is this just an excuse to fob us off? The guy on the help did say to me about asking for money back AFTER the mast is fixed which I think is a cop out - we should be getting money off NOW not after the event!!


I was told today by my homehelp that if I've had these issues for more than 14 days I can action a cause to cancel my contract as they have nulified it due to not providing the service I am paying for - after all £32 a month for not being able to fully use the phone is taking the mick


Whatsmore my stepmum lives down the road from me, she recieved a text to say there were planned outtages but her phones been totally fine, no problems whatsoever so how can that be if my phones virtually unusable unless I can use my wifi connection etc


I dl'd that Tu Go app that the guy said should help - its ok if you want msgs to be delivered to you like 5 hours later but it never rings when a call comes in so you get loads of missed calls 😞


Someone surely should be able to help you and I out better than just saying ask for a refund after the fact.

Message 3 of 8

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Anyone can check for local issues here

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 4 of 8

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This is not meant to demean your disability, but if you are that concerned about keeping in contact with someone should you have a fall, you shouldn't be relying solely on a mobile phone. No mobile network will ever guarantee 100% up time. There are medical alert systems that connect to land lines that are much more reliable. You really should be looking into that.


Message 5 of 8

Not applicable

Thanks for your concern Bambino


I would have understood where you were coming from had I not lived in the same house for the last 4 years and had FULL network coverage for all of that time!


I get an upgrade in September and everything was ok, though my new phone showed 3 bars of coverage - strange when old phone said 5 but never mind - then in last two weeks absolutely nothing!! Even though my daughter and son both have o2 phones and have coverage, my neighbour came in tonight with no problems again on o2!


So if it really 'is' a Mast problem how come its not affecting them??


Oh and btw these alarm things - people under 65 HAVE to pay for the service - money which I really do not have - When you cannot work and have a condition the DWP class as not qualified for benefits (CFS/ME) then you are left to survive on very little.  The most Ive had off Health & Social Care is 6 weeks home help after I came out of hospital from falling downstairs and then was told I had to pay for it privately, despite being wheelchairbound and now sleeping in the livingroom as I cannot manage stairs.  These programmes on tv really make out we get everything when really we dont 😞


So yes my mobile IS my life line hence why I upgraded when I needed to and as said I am paying £32 a month for a service I'm abviously not getting now so yes I am miffed and need it sorted asap!! 

Message 6 of 8

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If other people are getting a signal on O2 in your house then the issue must be with either your phone or sim card.
Try taking the sim out, cleaning it and putting it back in.
If that doesn't work contact O2 for a replacement sim card.
If still no good you may have to send your phone in to get repaired......
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 7 of 8

Not applicable
Hi LiveAbleLass.

After reading your thread I just wanted to say I hope your service / possible phone issue stabilises for you.

Take care.

Message 8 of 8