on 10-06-2020 16:36
My Pay Monthly contract is due to end on 30th June - I dont wish to continue with the contract so I want to tell them this so they dont take any further payments - however I cannot find anyway to do this - the contact us information just keeps taking me around the same route and the quide to cancelling gives no information as to how I actually contact O2 to give them my 30 days notice - please can someone help
on 10-06-2020 16:48
on 10-06-2020 16:48
@dexdog You don't need to give 30 days notice: https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/How-to-Guides/Cancelling-your-contract-An-updated-guide/ba-p/1234852
on 10-06-2020 17:02
on 10-06-2020 17:02
on 10-06-2020 17:05
on 10-06-2020 17:05
If you want to keep your number you need a pac code.
If you dont, you need a stac code.
Once you give either code to your new network it takes 2 working days to switch and cancel your O2 contract.