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Early contract change.

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Hi all. This is a question of two parts.

Currently I am paying for a contract for my grandson via CPW on O2. This contract expires in May of this year.


However, he is 21 in Feb and I want to upgrade him, via CPW, to an S10+ or similar. I expect I will have to pay the outstanding balance off the S9 contract to do this if I want him to have a new device in Feb?


Also, I have nothing to do with the phone, I just check the money comes out of my account. (I had him here and spoke to O2 so he could control My O2 himself.) I want to do the same again as he has never exceeded his limit.

Re his number, should he just use the same sim, OR ask customer services to migrate his number (even though he is still with O2)?


Now for the 2nd part of the question...

He is off on a Caribbean cruise for his 21st.... courtesy of his Mum and her partner who will be going with him.

They had absolutely no idea of the charges whilst on a ship.


I have warned him about charges whilst on board. It's a Caribbean cruise and I have told him turn Wifi off and voicemail and not use his phone whilst on board.  Problem is he is always on his phone, Whatsapp, Messenger etc etc etc.

As an alternative, someone suggested he should get a PAYG sim of ANY network, with a lot of data on. If he is cruising, as I am NOT paying a high bill!


However, a PAYG sim could cause it's own issues as I'm not sure data is available in some of the countries he is visiting. (Whatever network he chooses)


All very complicated. Might be cheaper to pay for him to see F1 in Vandvoort!!


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 18

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I think we were all gobsmacked @gmarkj (bearing in mind his mum and her partner are also on the cruise with mobile phones) If you look at those prices P&O have an internet option for those on 30 days cruises.

It's a special offer and has to be purchased before you board

  • Daily Internet Browse Package - £10 per 24 hours
  • Full Cruise Plan Browse Package - From £28 for a 3 day duration up to £246 for a 30 day duration.!!!

Let's face it, cruises are damn expensive without adding that on top!

For people who are hardlocked to their phones, whether on holiday or not, it's a bit much and probably one reason why you don't see many young(ish) people on cruises!!


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 11 of 18

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It's crazy money but people are willing to pay it if they want to use their phones at all. On these cruises you can be at sea for two days or more and if you are simply lapping up the sunshine at the side of the pool it can be boring and most people feel lost without their phone. The cruise lines know people will pay such high prices and they can get away with it.

I've been on maybe ten cruises but have never used the ship's network!

Message 12 of 18

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Daylight robbery!
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Message 13 of 18

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@MI5 wrote:
Daylight robbery!

Too true! I suspect when he is on land, he will turn his phone on and see 100's of messages etc many in fact that he will miss the town they are meant to be exploring LOL

Remember he will have just turned 21 when he goes on this 14 day cruise....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 14 of 18

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Just to bump this thread.

Re the cruise, Ben bought the ships wifi package for 24 hrs. He had produced a report for Renault where he is currently serving a 12 month internship as part of his university degree. On the way to the cruise he realised he had left something vital out of the report, so as he is looking for a full time post there after Uni he needed to amend the report. He did this on Sunday, the first full day of the cruise.!!


He used Wifi on shore for most of the time he was on different islands. There were 3 islands where Wifi wasn't available so he bought O2 Travel for those 3 days.  His bill is usually £38 pm. It has just come in today and is £52.97. Well done Ben. smiling


As for the contract change, we have agreed he will let his current one run it's course till May 20th.

Currently undecided as to his next phone, though he will go for the Note 10 or the S10+.

He will be sticking with CPW as their deals are far better than O2. thumbsup

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 15 of 18

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Works great when you know what you're doing slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 16 of 18

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@MI5 wrote:
Works great when you know what you're doing slight_smile

Exactly. He was able to pass on all this info to the rest of the group as well.

Contrary to what I imagined he did enjoy the cruise. The food was great he said but he enjoyed the Island hopping.

Oh and his boss has bought him a ticket for Silverstone for his 21st. He is well chuffed. The report must have gone down well tongue_winking

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 17 of 18

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BAR weekend.
Should be good.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 18 of 18