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What is the best way to deal with this situation: basically it was last year in November and I requested my bill total and I was given a wrong amount from what I thought it was but when I rang back in to make payment the amount had multiplied I said this is not what ive been just told and requested they listen into the call so I can pay the amount requested at first which was OK but in the mean time (months) and because they took so long to do it that they passed my account on to a debt collection agency and damaged my credit file massively the beliefs who went to my house to seize goods and i had to deal with some very un pleasant phone calls with the balieff.

I was very disturbed by this but luckly after o2 listened to the call they made there apologies for there mistake and gave me compensation (very small amount of £300 and cleared the bill outstanding) letting me carry on as normal and upgrade on a so called great deal so accepted but unfortunately after a week or so to pick out the phone I wanted I called them but they couldn't offer me a phone because of the tariff I'm on and because I've disconnected even tho it's there fault and admitted it they said its a system error and requested them to get a manager to call me back and they will sort it out but I had no call back from them and i requested another 4 odd calls but still no call back ive spent hours on the phone to be transfered between upgrades accounts and customer service I have had enough can anyone recommend how to get o2 to sort there mess out please
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Level 94: Supreme
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Honestly, if it was me, I'd go to a different network after being messed around so much, but if you really want to stay, it sounds like you need to start a new contract.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Level 78: King of Kings
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I found out via the Exec Relations team, that they cant override the block on upgrades, (this was in early 2020), as the system physically wouldn't let them.

The rule is/was any disconnections /missed or late payments in 6mths means no upgrade or additional lines.

As i said even the Exec Relations team couldn't override it.

Good luck
This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 3 of 3