on 25-11-2020 15:40
Anyone use and having problems with the mmail.co.uk e-mail to SMS gateway? It seems like O2 maintain this service but have no clue about how to administer or support it...
on 25-11-2020 15:44
Nothing to do with O2 apparently, according to a recent post here https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/My-O2/email-to-text-gatway-not-working-apparently/m-p/1411323/highligh...
on 25-11-2020 15:59
on 25-11-2020 15:59
Thanks, mate. Not sure why that didn't come up in my searching! I see they state O2 owns the DNS which is what I found with a whois query but didn't think to check MX ownership. This'll be a *beep!* if it's gone 😞
on 25-11-2020 16:37
on 25-11-2020 16:37
on 25-11-2020 16:58
on 25-11-2020 16:58
Yeah I may have to do that but am not a TalkTalk customer so not sure how much "sway" I'd have. Have been looking at other alternatives and have found a potential one anyway. In the meantime, home-brew solution using Outlook, Windows sounds, and a Powershell script to stop my work machine from going to sleep