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O2 Recycle Is A SCAM!!!

Not applicable

Hi Everyone,


I just wanted to send a warning to anyone thinking of using O2 Recycle.


My situation was I saw the O2 Recycle when thinking of upgrading and when I honestly filled out the recylce valuation, it convinced me to get a new iPhone 7. Anyway, they offered me £214 for my iPhone 6 which was in immaculate condition, with no damage at all. Anyway, I send it off to them and then turn around and say we are not offering £214 anymore, its £40 take it or leave it. They claimed there was damage to the screen, which there isnt. I requested the phone sent back to me and eventually, it turned up. There is no damage to the phone at all. They also decided to throw away the original box I sent with it, so no I cant even sell it.


I am considering cancelling my contract with them as this service is a complete and utter scam.

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Hi @jgc
I only looked for a laugh on o2 to see what I'd be offered ....
I had an immaculate Microsoft lumia 640 now I know this is a "Mickey mouse" phone by comparison to the mostly high enders being offered but they marked up £3. I expect if I had sent it THEY'D HAVE SENT ME A BILL😁😀😡
I went into a Samsung store to buy a Samsung Galaxy A70 and I got £50 for my phone!👍
I'm pleased you got YOUR phone back, go carefully, make wise considered decisions. GOOD LUCK STAY SAFE TALLTREES


Message 121 of 138

Not applicable

I'm afraid I've signed up just to add to this thread and no more. I was searching for feedback on O2 Recycle as I'm having a bad experience which seems like resolving shortly but to an expected outcome.


I'm not an O2 customer but I saw the service advertised when I was browsing the main O2 web-site.


Although the Royal Mail confirmed that my iPhone 6S Plus had been delivered, O2 Recycle insisted for two days that it hadn't. At this point I rasied a formal complaint which has yet to be answered.


Eventually they admitted receipt and after a further two days I got an offer by email of just £19.00 for my phone. The original offer was £95.00. A supposedly damaged screen was the excuse or reason for the reduction. As far as I was concerned the phone was in perfect condition. It had been kept in a case with a screen protector for the three and a half years that I had it. It had never been dropped as far as I can remember.


I contacted O2 Recycle by telephone and after explaining that I was very unhappy with the service and offer price I was told that the offer could be increased to £42.00 or my phone could be returned free of charge.


As I really wanted this sorry experience to end I accepted £42.00 and told them any further response from me would be through O2 Complaints. I'll see what O2 Complaints have to say before accepting whether I was right or wrong to accept the reduced offer or even send my phone to O2 Recycle in the first place.


I still have two iPhones and and iPad, all purchased this year. It will be some time before I need to recycle any of those devices but as I have been caught out before by another recycling company in future I'll give or send any device that needs recycling to a charity so it won't really matter how much or how little it is worth.


The service as described on the web-site is vague in places and open to interpretation so I will fully accept that I may have been expecting something more than I actually received.


That's me done. Thanks for reading. By all means ignore everything I've said. I've just recounted what happened to me. 

Message 122 of 138

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I think you had every right to complain. This happens far too often for anyone to be happy with O2 recycle.

It's only by being a member of this forum for years and reading this type of complaint constantly, has convinced me to avoid O2 Recycle at all costs.

A bit late now, though we always recommend trying CEX or Mazuma Mobile. They have proven frequently that they give better trade in prices than O2.

Good luck for the future and welcome to the forum, even though you only wanted to air a grievance Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 123 of 138

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+1 for CEX.
I had a cupboard clearout at the weekend and found some (very) old tech, chargers, controllers etc that filled a carrier bag. All junk and was going to the tip, but thought I'd swing by CEX as it was on the way and walked out with £98.00 for it all slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 124 of 138

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Excellent 👍
I'm going to swing by cex too @MI5
May as well I have very old mobiles chargers cables too and other stuff they may want thanks for the tip TallTrees


Message 125 of 138

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Same - got quite a selection of them!!

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 126 of 138

Not applicable

Thanks for your comments @Cleoriff. I thought I would update the thread as I didn't want my first post to appear to be a 'fly-by'.


A Faster Payment for £42.00 has just appeared in bank account so I guess that's one less thing to worry about. They promised I would receive payment by 8 pm and I did. open_mouth


I've taken the time to read much of this thread (which started three years ago) and posts elsewhere. The 'promise' of £95.00 turning in to an offer of £19.00 seems to be reported regularly.


Same amounts each time with a better offer if the call handler is challenged. thinking



Message 127 of 138

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Hi again @Anonymous 

Yes, challenging them re the price always seems to get better results. If anything that tends to make their reputation even worse though and confirms they are really out to scam the unsuspecting customer!!

Still at least you got your payment as promised. (Even though it was pitiful)

Next time, try CEX wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 128 of 138

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I really do think that they are the original three blind mice who check the phones at O2 Recycle! They are obviously on bonuses for every pound they can save

Message 129 of 138

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So I sent them my s20 ultra 5g I  immaculate condition last Tuesday they received it today because royal mail sux, 

My offer was for 275 phone + 250 for getting the fold 3 but after reading this thread I'm really concerned as I had no e-mail or contact to say its received and when I log into the site its just a blue animated circle. 


I'll be calling tomorrow but I'm so anxious now.

Message 130 of 138