on 04-04-2013 10:34
on 04-04-2013 10:34
Normally get 5bar signal strength in South Shropshire using O2 Leighton mast. Over last week or so, no signal. Website says a mast near me isn't working. How do I find out
a. what is really going on...is signal reduced/turned off/maintenance
b. when/if it will be fixed
Do I have to report it to O2 and how do I do that?
on 04-04-2013 10:37
on 04-04-2013 10:37
Check Http://status.o2.co.uk
If nothing shown then use the contact us link at the bottom of the page and talk to o2 about the issue
on 04-04-2013 13:06
on 04-04-2013 13:06
The Leighton mast is running OK, however, there is another mast down in Shropshire which will be putting additional load through the Leighton one.
Live results for Shropshire
on 04-04-2013 20:43
One mast in the shropshire area is down, not the leighton one. the reach/capacity of the leighton one and others in the area have been increased to cover the loss of the one that is down, but it means higher than normal traffic going through them all, so there will be periods of time where you can't get on.
the mast that's down has a high priority, but beyond that can't get any timescales. O2 know about it, so there's no requirement to call them to report it.
on 05-04-2013 10:24
Thanks for the replies. That is more info than I got off the helpdesk, when I reported the problem, tho I can't understand that, if this is a high priority problem, it has taken more than a week to fix.
on 05-04-2013 19:15
on 05-04-2013 19:15
@Anonymous wrote:Thanks for the replies. That is more info than I got off the helpdesk, when I reported the problem, tho I can't understand that, if this is a high priority problem, it has taken more than a week to fix.
Being a high priority doesn't make it easier to fix, hopefully it won't be too long.