on 27-05-2017 13:11
on 27-05-2017 13:11
Hi, at the beggining of the month I orderd two accessory for my phone to colect in store. However O2 siad that the product wasn't in stock, after saying it was. So I went to the store and thay said the order was rejected as it want in stock. Naturaly I thought that the order never went through so I bought it from somewhare ellse.
Unfortunatly the next day the £87 for the order came out of my account and the order became avilable in the store the following week. Since I already bought it elsewhere I ignored it, because after 7 days it gets canceled.
Now two weeks later I havent heard anything from o2 about my refund. I went in store and they gave me a number to phone, however the only aoutomated options available where for phone contracts. And sinces mine is an accessory refunds I didn't know where to go. Now I am lost, any one have any thing that may be able to help, thanks.
on 27-05-2017 13:14