on 25-09-2014 19:06
on 25-09-2014 19:06
WoW is the only pc game I have played
after a longish gap
I have recently downloaded it for free
BUT I've forgotten what keyboard strokes do the actual actions on screen
can anyone help me please?
08-09-2016 00:39 - edited 08-09-2016 00:41
thanks for the reply / link @Cleoriff
there's Skrym ... legend stuff a bit ... & ... Star Wars Battlefront listed which both definitely interest me ... you now my passion for Harrison Ford only equals your passion for JD ... & ... Amazon is a favourite online shopping site of mine to boot
On my To-Do list for later on today
the town does not have a CEX to my knowledge ... is the abbreviation some sort of game exchange? ... I will Google CEX ... I expect the nearest something similar would be Keighley
on 08-09-2016 07:48
on 08-09-2016 07:48
@Anonymous wrote:
thanks for the reply / link @Cleoriff
there's Skrym ... legend stuff a bit ... & ... Star Wars Battlefront listed which both definitely interest me ... you now my passion for Harrison Ford only equals your passion for JD ... & ... Amazon is a favourite online shopping site of mine to boot
On my To-Do list for later on today
the town does not have a CEX to my knowledge ... is the abbreviation some sort of game exchange? ... I will Google CEX ... I expect the nearest something similar would be Keighley
And on Amazon there is a lego Star Wars Game for PC....I know you love Lego (and Star Wars)
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 08-09-2016 13:18
on 08-09-2016 13:18
Speaking of WoW, I've recently purchased the collector's edition of Legion (the new expansion to World of Warcraft). You get a bump to level 100 character and can play as a Demon Hunter.
Any other Wow players on here at the moment?
@Anonymous Legion has loads of new areas and stuff to do now that I don't think you'll need another game if you want to play this one.
My favourite relaxing thing to do in WoW is actually gathering herbs and fishing! (yes you can do that too)
on 08-09-2016 22:24
@Marjo wrote:
Speaking of WoW, I've recently purchased the collector's edition of Legion (the new expansion to World of Warcraft). You get a bump to level 100 character and can play as a Demon Hunter.
Any other Wow players on here at the moment?
@Anonymous Legion has loads of new areas and stuff to do now that I don't think you'll need another game if you want to play this one.
My favourite relaxing thing to do in WoW is actually gathering herbs and fishing! (yes you can do that too)
Hi @Marjo ... You've made my mind up that last 00:01% ... you 'sold it to me' with the gathering herbs & fishing ... I understand it's Windows 10 friendly ... deffo like the sound of the hunter / gatherer stuff
Hey, we could become p/t temp WOW Legend game buddies ... = ... ... I'm well aware I'm getting carried away with myself here atm
Oooooo ... Like The Proverbial Kiddie In The Sweet Shop, I am
on 09-09-2016 11:05
on 09-09-2016 11:05
Imagine this @Anonymous:
it's early morning, sun is beginning to shine, I am sitting at a lake. I am surrounded by flowers and grass and I can see little frogs hopping about! There is a sound of waterfall somewhere nearby. I can also see some monsters walking about in the distance, but they are too far to see me, so that's alright. I have a cup of delicious morning coffee and I am drinking that while I do some fishing.
Very relaxing!
on 09-09-2016 11:30
on 09-09-2016 11:51
on 09-09-2016 11:51
@Anonymous wrote:
Well, thank you @Marjo ... you mention waterfall which makes me think of @viridis' North Wales vid featuring a particular Celtic-sounding one
You paint a good picture ... hope you catch some fish so's you can cook some for your lunch / tea
Tomorrow I will catch at least 100! And then go pick some flowers.
on 21-09-2016 16:43
Am home with WoW installed (5 disks) by young proprietor of town's laptop centre ... excited ... after contacting his associates young chap advised me that the graphics card on my laptop would not support the new WoW extension Legion ... so ... left it up nice young man to do what needed to be done ... because ... left to my own devices I'd have come a cropper by buying the latest Legion extension to WoW off Amazon ... there is also an A5 size booklet with pictures for me to read ... Yippeee !
on 21-09-2016 17:29
on 21-09-2016 17:29
I wonder if you got the same as me @Anonymous - is it the collectors edition? It also came with a mouse mat along with that book.
Since I last posted I have advanced quite a lot in fishing and herb gathering. I've also started to learn cooking! So what I really like is to set up a cooking fire next to me on the beach, and then sit down, have a bottle of rum and start fishing! When I get some fish, I can cook it on the fire.
And of course I pick the pretty fishing spots, with green grass or flowers, mountains around... I must take a screenshot at some point and post it here!
on 23-09-2016 21:01
@Marjo wrote:
I wonder if you got the same as me @Anonymous - is it the collectors edition? It also came with a mouse mat along with that book.
And of course I pick the pretty fishing spots, with green grass or flowers, mountains around... I must take a screenshot at some point and post it here!
Hi Marjo, I didn't get the collectors edition because the graphics card in my laptop would not have supported it = so nice young man at the town's laptop centre told me ... I've gone back to basics as it is sooo long since I played WoW ... I find the booklet good but is in very small print ... I shall have to get a magnifying glass
Looking forward to a screen shot of one of your pretty fishing spots