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White Room Quiz Wed 06 Jan 2021 "Odd Questions" ed

Level 47: Going Places
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There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.

Today`s White Room Quiz is an "Odd Questions" edition with eight questions with one question on

each of these subjects 




The White Room Quiz is open to all members.

Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo - with their answers between 12 noon today [Wednesday] and 11.59pm tomorrow [Thursday]


I hope our regular quizzers

  @Cleoriff  @pgn  @jonsie  @MI5  @gmarkj  @Anonymous 

and O2 Community managers  @Marjo   @Martin-O2   @LukasB  @TheresaV 

and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and any new members

will join in with today`s White Room Quiz.




Q1 TRANSPORT   What type of transport is a Chinook?


Q2 CODES            The airport of which city is designated the International Airport Code YVR ?


Q3 CARS               Which UK car manufacturer produced the Poplar, the Prefect, and the Anglia ?


Q4 INITIALS          In technology, what do the initials LCD stand for ?


Q5 POLITICS         The Althing is the parliament of which country ?


Q6 MATHS           What number is the square root of 196 minus the cube root of 216 ?


Q7 SAYINGS         What two words are missing from this well-known saying

                                 Never judge a ---- by its -----


Q8 ADVERTS        A famous 2007 TV advert featured a gorilla drumming to Phil Collin`s "In the Air

                               Tonight". What product did it advertise [maker and item] ? 


The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.


Those who want to take part must pm [private message] me [Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 12 noon today [Wed 06 Jan 20121] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thurs 07 Jan 2021]

- allowing 36 hours to pm your answers.


Please do not post your answers on the thread.


The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on morning of Fri 08 Jan 2021


Each member will be awarded star for each correct answer. In addition, each member who gives


              EIGHT correct answers               SIX correct answers                     FOUR correct answers

                   will be awarded                       will be awarded                          will be awarded


                  silver-thinker.jpg                 bronze-thinker-crop.jpg                        red-thinker.jpg

                  SILVER THINKER                     BRONZE THINKER                             RED THINKER


                                                                THE RULES

Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Wed 06 Jan 2021] and before 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thurs 07 Jan 2021].

No member is to post any answer on the thread.

Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Thursday 07 Jan 2021 will be declared void.

No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.


The White Room Quiz is open to all members.

New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" with this week`s quiz. 


Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.

If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.


I hope everyone likes the questions in today`s White Room Quiz, and finds this WRQ fun.

Good luck, everyone




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 54

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@pgn wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

Never learned it by rote @pgn ...lets just say we touched on it....rofl

Was this Biology A level? (out of interest)

A-level to blame, @Cleoriff, but no: my BTEC HND was where we got into it a lot. I loved the specialist bits - Parasitology and Microbiology - probably the reason I don't order steak pie and chips or whelks or mussels at the seaside... 😖

Good idea @pgn, although I wouldn't eat mussels, whelks or cockles anywhere nauseated_face

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 54

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Good idea @pgn, although I wouldn't eat mussels, whelks or cockles anywhere nauseated_face

With you on the "anywhere" bit for whelks and the like. 🤮

The meat pie, an eye-opener for sure - cultures on agar were most colourful! 

Message 52 of 54

Not applicable
God I love a Pukka pie, well I did.. 🤢
Message 53 of 54

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@Anonymous wrote:
God I love a Pukka pie, well I did.. 🤢

This was a Student Canteen (chip-shop) special, probably one that had been under those heat lamps for a few hours... Mind you, heaven knows what the freight delays since the new year are doing to the Pukka ones 😳


Message 54 of 54