on 05-08-2020 09:27
Welcome to
There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.
Each White Room Quiz will have eight questions - with two questions from four categories.
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo - with their answers between 12 noon today [Wednesday] and 11.59pm tomorrow [Thursday]
I hope our regular quizzers
@Cleoriff @pgn @jonsie @MI5 @gmarkj @WispaRed7
O2 Community managers @Marjo @Martin-O2 @LukasB and O2 Guru @O2Karl
and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and new members
will join in with today`s White Room Quiz.
I hope everyone likes some, if not all, the questions in this quiz
Today`s WRQ questions are two questions from each of these cateories
PEOPLE PLACES SCIENCE [one question on Chemistry; one on Biology] WORDS
Please note: there is no QI-style question [where the answer is not what most people think] this time;
but, for the first time, one of the questions is an "Odd-One-Out"
Q1 [PEOPLE - 1] Who was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan?
Q2 [PLACE - 1] What is the county town of Buckinghamshire ?
Q3 [SCIENCE - 1 CHEMISTRY] Which of these is the "odd one out" and is NOT an element in the periodic table -
Einsteinium Newtonium Rutherfordium Californium
Q4 [WORDS - 1] What did a scrivener do ?
Q5 [PEOPLE - 2] Marvin Lee Aday is better known as which rock singer ?
Q6 [PLACES - 2] Which province/territory of Canada is between Manitoba and Quebec ?
Q7 [SCIENCE - 2 BIOLOGY] Axilla is the medical term for which part of the human body ?
Q8 [WORDS - 2] What type of word is a neologism ?
The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.
Those who want to take part must pm [private message] me [Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 12 noon today [Wed 05 Aug] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thursday 06 Aug]
- allowing 36 hours to pm your answers.
Please do not post your answers on the thread.
The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on morning of Fri 07 August.
Each member will be awarded for each correct answer. In addition, each member who gives
EIGHT correct answers SIX correct answers FOUR correct answers
will be awarded will be awarded will be awarded
Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Wed 05 August 2020] and before 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thurs 06 August 2020].
No member is to post any answer on the thread.
Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Thursday 06 August will be declared void.
No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" with this week`s quiz.
Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.
If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.
Thank you everyone for your interest and for making the quiz so popular.
I hope everyone enjoys today`s White Room Quiz, and find it fun.
Good luck, everyone
on 06-08-2020 08:02
on 06-08-2020 08:02
on 06-08-2020 12:04
on 06-08-2020 12:04
on 06-08-2020 16:40
on 06-08-2020 16:40
Thanks for the reminder @Mi-Amigo! Answers sent.
→ COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
→ Access for You: Registration - Find out how to register for our Access for You service.
→ Just joined the community or thinking of registering? Check out this handy starter guide!
→ Have a query about your account? login to My O2 for help
If you'd like to take part, why not register?
on 06-08-2020 17:22
on 06-08-2020 17:22
Sorry sorry @Mi-Amigo thanks for reminding - sending my answers now!
→ COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
→ Access for You: Registration - Find out how to register for our Access for You service.
→ Just joined the community or thinking of registering? Check out this handy starter guide!
→ Have a query about your account? login to My O2 for help
If you'd like to take part, why not register?
on 06-08-2020 18:12
on 06-08-2020 18:12
Thank you @Martin-O2
pm with your eight answers received
Thank you @LukasB
pm with your eight answers received
Thank you @Marjo
pm with your eight answers received
on 06-08-2020 18:49
on 06-08-2020 18:49
on 07-08-2020 07:32
on 07-08-2020 07:32
And the Community awaits, with bated breath... Who are the stars this Friday? ✨⭐👍
on 07-08-2020 07:50
on 07-08-2020 07:50
Q1 [PEOPLE - 1] Who was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan?
A1 Robert Kennedy
Q2 [PLACE - 1] What is the county town of Buckinghamshire ?
A2 Aylesbury
Q3 [SCIENCE - 1 CHEMISTRY] Which of these is the "odd one out" and is NOT an element in the periodic table -
Einsteinium Newtonium Rutherfordium Californium
A3 Newtonium - fictious
Q4 [WORDS - 1] What did a scrivener do ?
A4 write
Q5 [PEOPLE - 2] Marvin Lee Aday is better known as which rock singer ?
A5 Meatloaf
Q6 [PLACES - 2] Which province/territory of Canada is between Manitoba and Quebec ?
A6 Ontario
Q7 [SCIENCE - 2 BIOLOGY] Axilla is the medical term for which part of the human body ?
A7 armpit
Q8 [WORDS - 2] What type of word is a neologism ?
A8 a new word, or old word with new meaning
on 07-08-2020 08:08
on 07-08-2020 08:08
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded
Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded
plus, for eight correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded
Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded
plus, for eight correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded
Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded
plus, for eight correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 Sir BobaFett - incorrect Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded
Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded
plus, for more than six correct also awarded
Bronze Thinker
Q1 pass Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 make tea - incorrect
Q5 pass Q6 pass Q7 correct - awarded Q8 adjective - incorrect
Total: 3 for three correct answers
Q1 Kennedy - but didn`t specify which, so will award half star for part correct answer
Q2 Buckingham - incorrect Q3 pass Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 correct - awarded Q6 pass Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 correct - awarded plus, for more than four correct answers also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 Chinese Emperor - incorrect Q2 Leeds - incorrect Q3 Californium - incorrect
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 singer with Slipknot - incorrect Q6 Vancouver - incorrect
Q7 neck - incorrect Q8 correct - awarded
Total: two for two correct answers
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 pass Q6 pass Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 correct - awarded plus, for six correct also awarded
Bronze Thinker
07-08-2020 08:21 - edited 07-08-2020 08:40
07-08-2020 08:21 - edited 07-08-2020 08:40
Silver Thinker = for eight correct answers - @Cleoriff @MI5 @jonsie
Bronze Thinker + = for seven correct answers - @pgn
Bronze Thinker = for six correct answers - @gmarkj
Red Thinker + + half star = for five correct answers + one part correct - @LukasB
= for three correct answers - @Martin-O2
= for two correct answers - @Marjo
CONGRATULATIONS to the Silver Thinkers - @Cleoriff @MI5 @jonsie
Well done @pgn - Bronze Thinker + @gmarkj - Bronze Thinker +
@O2Karl - Red Thinker + + half star
@Martin-O2 ; @Marjo -
All those taking part were awarded, at least, two
I hope everyone enjoyed the quiz and will take part in the next White Room Quiz on Monday.
Over the weekend, I will choose eight questions - with two questions from each of these categories -
NATURE ART [one on paintings; one on sculptures] SPORT
and two of the ever-popular ODD questions - one on colours; one on logos
Thank you everyone for taking part in the WRQ.