on 12-04-2021 08:35
Welcome to
There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.
Today`s White Room Quiz includes the 1000th question
Instead of the usual eight questions, there are 10 questions - with one question from each of these categories
Not only is there the chance of being awarded a Gold Thinker for 10 correct answers
but each person who correctly answers Q10 - the 1000th WRQ questions - will be awarded a
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo - with their answers between 12 noon today [Monday] and 11.59pm tomorrow [Tuesday]
I hope our regular quizzers
@Cleoriff @jonsie @pgn @gmarkj @MI5 @TallTrees @Cairdeas @TheresaV
and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and new members
will join in with today`s White Room Quiz.
Q1 HISTORY. Which King defeated the Danes at the Battle of Ashdown in England in 871 ?
Q2 GEOGRAPHY. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon in the USA ?
Q3 NATURE. What type of animal is an Australian barramundi ?
Q4 SPACE. What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft in which Gherman Titov was the second Russian
cosmonaut into space in August 1961 ?
Q5 LITERATURE. In which Charles Dickens` novel does the character Lord Decimus Tite Barnacle appear?
Q6 MOVIES. What was the first name of Mrs Robinson`s daughter in the 1967 movie "The Graduate" ?
[character`s name not the name of the actress]
Q7 GAMES. In the game of tiddlywinks what is a squop ?
Q8 EVENTS. For which wedding anniversary is crystal the traditional gift ?
Q9 FOOD & DRINK. In the dish dubarry, which vegetable is coated with mornay sauce with crumbled
bread or cheese topping ?
Q10 MUSIC - the 1000th WRQ question -
Who recorded and released the song "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes" which reached
No 3 in the UK singles chart on 6 March 1963 ?
The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.
Those who want to take part must pm [private message] me [Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 12 noon today [Mon 12 April] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Tuesday 13 April]
- allowing 36 hours to pm your answers.
Please do not post your answers on the thread.
The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on morning of Wed 14 April.
Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Mon 12 April] and before 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Tues 13 April].
No member is to post any answer on the thread.
Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Tues 13 April will be declared void.
No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" and take part in this quiz.
Each correct answer given by each member will be awarded a .
In addition, the following trophies will be awarded for
10 correct 8 correct 6 correct 4 correct
answers answers answers answers
Golden Silver Bronze Red
Thinker Thinker Thinker Thinker
plus - each person who correctly answers Q10 - the 1000th WRQ question - [whether or not he or she
answers the other questions correctly] will be awarded
Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.
If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.
Thank you everyone for your interest in the White Room Quiz and making reaching the 1000th question possible and for making the quiz so popular.
I hope everyone enjoys today`s White Room Quiz, and find it fun.
Good luck, everyone
on 13-04-2021 17:12
on 13-04-2021 17:12
on 13-04-2021 21:59
on 13-04-2021 21:59
on 13-04-2021 22:13
on 13-04-2021 22:13
14-04-2021 08:25 - edited 14-04-2021 08:27
14-04-2021 08:25 - edited 14-04-2021 08:27
Q1 HISTORY. Which King defeated the Danes at the Battle of Ashdown in England in 871 ?
A1 Historically, the correct answer is Aelthred I [King of Wessex 866-871] who was killed at Merton
in 871 [after the Battle of Ashdown] and his brother, Alfred became King of Wessex.
Only one quizzer gave this correct answer. seven gave the answer Alfred. As Alfred did fight at
the Battle of Ashdown and elsewhere against the Danes, I`m going to be generous and accept
Alfred as a correct answer and award a
Q2 GEOGRAPHY. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon in the USA ?
A2 Colorado
Q3 NATURE. What type of animal is an Australian barramundi ?
A3 fish [sea bass]
Q4 SPACE. What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft in which Gherman Titov was the second Russian
cosmonaut into space in August 1961 ?
A4 Vostok 2
Q5 LITERATURE. In which Charles Dickens` novel does the character Lord Decimus Tite Barnacle appear?
Q5 Little Dorrit
Q6 MOVIES. What was the first name of Mrs Robinson`s daughter in the 1967 movie "The Graduate" ?
[character`s name not the name of the actress]
A6 Elaine
Q7 GAMES. In the game of tiddlywinks what is a squop ?
A7 when one wink [counter] covers another wink [counter]
Q8 EVENTS. For which wedding anniversary is crystal the traditional gift ?
A8 15th
Q9 FOOD & DRINK. In the dish dubarry, which vegetable is coated with mornay sauce with crumbled
bread or cheese topping ?
A9 cauliflower
Q10 MUSIC - the 1000th WRQ question -
Who recorded and released the song "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes" which reached
No 3 in the UK singles chart on 6 March 1963 ?
A10 Bobby Vee
on 14-04-2021 08:50
on 14-04-2021 08:50
Having seen your comments to question one, I have JUST googled the question. This is the answer as shown to the question.
Which King defeated the Danes at the Battle of Ashdown in England in 871 ?
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 14-04-2021 08:54
on 14-04-2021 08:54
Q1 Henry - incorrect Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 pass Q5 pass Q6 correct - awarded Q7 pass
Q8 correct - awarded Q9 pass Q10 pass
plus, for four correct answers, also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded Q4 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded Q9 correct - awarded
Q10 correct - awarded +
plus, for 10 correct answers, also awarded
Gold Thinker
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded Q4 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded Q9 correct - awarded
Q10 correct - awarded +
plus, for 10 correct answers, also awarded
Gold Thinker
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 pass Q5 Great Expectations - incorrect Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 button to flick with - incorrect Q8 correct - awarded Q9 correct - awarded
Q10 The Beatles - incorrect
plus, for six correct answers, also awarded
Bronze Thinker
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded Q4 pass Q5 pass Q7 pass Q8 pass Q9 correct - awarded Q10 pass
plus, for four correct answers, also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded Q3 bird - incorrect
Q4 pass Q5 pass Q6 pass Q7 winning move - incorrect Q8 10th anniversary - incorrect
Q9 correct - awarded Q10 The Beatles - incorrect
Total: three for three correct answers
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded Q3 kangaroo - incorrect
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 pass Q6 pass Q7 beaker - incorrect Q8 correct - awarded
Q9 correct - awarded Q10 pass
plus, for four correct answers, also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 Alfred - accepted as correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 The Tempest - incorrect Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded Q8 correct - awarded Q9 correct - awarded
Q10 correct - awarded +
plus, for more than eight correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 Aethelred I - correct answer - awarded Q2 correct - awarded Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 "a squop is the sensation you experience when you gromp, or nurdle, your scrunge" - incorrect
Q8 correct - awarded Q9 correct - awarded
Q10 correct - awarded +
plus, for more than eight correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
on 14-04-2021 09:19
on 14-04-2021 09:19
Gold Thinker = 10 correct answers - @Cleoriff @MI5
Silver Thinker + = 9 correct answers - @jonsie @pgn
Bronze Thinker = 6 correct answers - @gmarkj
Red Thinker + = 5 correct answers - @TallTrees @TheresaV
Red Thinker = 4 correct answers - @LukasB
= 3 correct answers - @Martin-O2
= Q10 correct answer - @Cleoriff @MI5 @jonsie @pgn
and trophy: WINNERS for correct answer to Q10 1000th question - @Cleoriff @MI5 @jonsie @pgn
Well done
@pgn - Silver Thinker +
@jonsie - Silver Thinker +
@gmarkj - Bronze Thinker
@TallTrees - Red Thinker +
@TheresaV - Red Thinker +
@LukasB - Red Thinker
Everyone who took part got at least
I hope everyone enjoyed this White Room Quiz with the 1000th WRQ question and you will all take part in today`s White Room Quiz which will be posted on a separate thread shortly.
on 14-04-2021 09:33
on 14-04-2021 09:33
on 14-04-2021 09:37
on 14-04-2021 09:37
Thank you @Cleoriff for your interesting info on Alfred and the Battle of Ashdown.
It`s always good to read additional/follow-up inf resulting from WRQ question
I based the question on information in A Dictionary of British History by J P Kenyon, Professor of Modern History, University of St Andrews, Scotland, published by TLC [The Leisure Circle] 1981.
Entries include:
"Aethelred I King of Wessex [866-871] who, together with his brother and successor Alfred led resistance to the Danish invasion of England. After ousting the Danes from Mercia [870], Aethelred afterwards won a crushing victory at Ashdown [871]."
"Ashdown, battle of [871] in which Alfred led the West Saxons to victory over the Danes"
This is why I took Aethelred I to be king of Wessex at Battle of Ashdown but accept that Alfred led the West Saxons against the Danes. Which is why I accept both Aethelred I and Alfred as correct answers.
14-04-2021 09:57 - edited 14-04-2021 09:58
14-04-2021 09:57 - edited 14-04-2021 09:58