on 21-10-2014 00:33
Hmnn........fact or fantasy
What happens when an iPhone bends too much? One man says his bent so much it punctured the battery and caught fire, causing second-degree burns to his leg.
on 21-10-2014 00:39
i take it he is a stickman
on 21-10-2014 00:52
on 21-10-2014 00:52
Perhaps on a retainer from Samsung
on 21-10-2014 01:12
on 21-10-2014 01:12
on 21-10-2014 06:19
on 21-10-2014 06:53
on 21-10-2014 06:53
I couldn't watch the video properly due to all the buffering on the netbook...but I read the article and thought....another news item relating to the bendiness of these phones....
I am not an apple fan...but some of these reports are getting silly now.
Also there is a saying..... ANY publicity is better than none at all.... I rest my case M'Lud
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 21-10-2014 07:08
on 21-10-2014 07:08
on 21-10-2014 08:11
I'm thinking what about the British Standards kitemark ..... = ..... could it be stamped on the back of the ipone alongsie the apple mark
on 21-10-2014 08:30
on 21-10-2014 08:30
on 21-10-2014 09:40
on 21-10-2014 09:40
Given the described circumstances any phone would have been severely damaged. Pure hype because it happened to be the latest iphone and loosely connected to the bend craze.