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What book(s) are you reading/would recommend?

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Hi all,


On this day in 1979 a true classic; The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams was published.


This has made me wonder about all of you. What book(s) are you reading at the moment? What would you received to everyone else as essential read?


Right now I am reading a graphic novel called Kingsman: Secret Service which is based on a recent movie.


How about all of you?       



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Message 1 of 34

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@jonsie wrote:

@Poppysmum wrote:


I am reading this book on my Kindle .

Strangely enough my son teaches English in Germany. Previously in China and Poland. 

I bet he tells you some exciting tales slight_smile


The guy in my story is on a train in Brazil not very happy when i shut it last night.

Message 11 of 34

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currently 1/2 way through a non-fiction book about a shepherd's life with his flock of Herdwick sheep on the fells of the Lake District, sorry can't give correct name & title atm as still topsy turvy at home after having had some necessary home maintenance done & can't find the book slight_frown it was a BBC Radio4 Book at Bedtime / Book of the Week

I'd recommend biographies of John MacEnroe, Paul Johnson (former captin of Englad rugby union Word Cup Winner) & Ronnie O' Sullivan ... have yet to start on autobiography of Baroness Shirley Williams

A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen

Homer's Odyssey by Gwen cooper (true story of a blind cat)

you don't necessarily need to be a cat lover to enjoy the above 2 books

anything by Nhys Glover = fantasy history 'time travel' romance


I can 'loose myself' in a book, have since a little kid


have yet to use the basic Kindle I treated myself to last year for my 60th birthday

interesting @Poppysmum when you say you can use Kindle in bed without having the light on



Message 12 of 34

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I would need to buy a new book every week. It's practical and cheap (free!) to download a whole series whether at home or travelling. 40 or so books on a little portable, light device. Mauy goes to sleep I just turn off the lights and I can read for an hour. Many times I just fall asleep reading and the Kindle turns itself off. You don't have to bookmark or turn the corner of a page to remember where you are up to. If I want to leave my tablet and kindle in our room I can open the kindle app on the phone, fully synced with the kindle.

People say it's not the same as having a 'real' book. Why?

Message 13 of 34

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@jonsie wrote:


People say it's not the same as having a 'real' book. Why?

I say that  and it's a matter of personal choice obviously. As I said earlier...I love the look, feel and smell of a new book...Always have and always will. A great pleasure in life. I use my Kindle when abroad....thats it.

I also can read a book every couple of days.. and my husband says our house is like a bloody library wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 14 of 34

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I used to go the library every week and take out three books. If I saw a book I wanted for next time I would hide it behind a row of books and it would be there for my next visit.

All I smell these days when I go bed is perfume and shampoo...not mine by the way LOL

Message 15 of 34

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@Anonymous wrote:

currently 1/2 way through a non-fiction book about a shepherd's life with his flock of Herdwick sheep on the fells of the Lake District, sorry can't give correct name & title atm as still topsy turvy at home after having had some necessary home maintenance done & can't find the book slight_frown it was a BBC Radio4 Book at Bedtime / Book of the Week

I'd recommend biographies of John MacEnroe, Paul Johnson (former captin of Englad rugby union Word Cup Winner) & Ronnie O' Sullivan ... have yet to start on autobiography of Baroness Shirley Williams

A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen

Homer's Odyssey by Gwen cooper (true story of a blind cat)

you don't necessarily need to be a cat lover to enjoy the above 2 books

anything by Nhys Glover = fantasy history 'time travel' romance


I can 'loose myself' in a book, have since a little kid


have yet to use the basic Kindle I treated myself to last year for my 60th birthday

interesting @Poppysmum when you say you can use Kindle in bed without having the light on



I have read a few off the books you have mentioned .

I cried when i read a Street Cat named Bob


My Kindle is a Kindle Paperwhite my son bought me three years ago this coming Christmas.


Its got a backlight built in. Like Jonsie says you can fall asleep and Kindle will shutdown and when you open it you are on page you was reading. slight_smile

Message 16 of 34

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I have a basic kindle but I was lucky enough to win a kindle a couple of years ago on the O2 Join community. It does so much but I only ever use it for books ajd the  back light was the biggest benefit for me. It certainly beats the old clip on light on the original.

Message 17 of 34

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hello @Poppysmum

I have the original & updated versions of A Street Cat Named Bob ... I'm keeping the books to read again in the future

I understand, that Bob & his owner have now travelled the world ... & ... that James Bowen does loadsa charity stuff ... once a homeless man ... & ... once a reforming drug addict

Yes, it touched my heart both Bob & James


Message 18 of 34

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I am on the same boat as @Cleoriff in that I prefer the look, feel and smell of a real book. I can't help it.



In terms of preference I like mostly knowledge based books, that teach about certain disciplines, marketing, seo, web development, you name it!. I also enjoy philosophy and neuroscience. Right now I am reading  The Aesthetic Brain: How we evolve to desire beauty and art . Very interesting read inside the neoroscince field that tries to explain how aesthetics play a very important role in the live of humans, and how  it's part of our evolutionary phychology. Not a breezy read, but certainly interesting !


Message 19 of 34

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re: my post above  ^  ^  ^

found the book I'm 1/2 way through ... under some stuff

The Shepherd's Life ... A Tale of the Lake District by James Redbanks


Message 20 of 34