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Warm weather: love it or loathe it?

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While I like the Sun, it seems that it often brings with it that horrible hot sticky atmosphere which is uncomfortable.


However, I know some like it.


So do you like or loathe such weather?

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I love it.

I 'thrive' in the sun and am miserable in the winter. I think I am the person who 'invented' S.A.D's Smiley Very Happy

We had an apartment in Spain for 32 years, which we sold last year. I miss it a lot as it was my bolt hole from the damn miserable winter weather here.

I agree, in the UK it gets hot and sticky, though when abroad there is always a swimming pool or the sea to cool off in Also air conditioning. A different type of heat which is easier to enjoy.

Give me sun and warm weather every time

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Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 57

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Love it which is now why I call Thailand home. Just right for me, hot but not sticky although I've never been one to perspire much.

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No problem with hot weather. It's the high humidity that kills me.

I was in Israel in late July when the sun shone every day and the temperature was in the 90s and I was fine. In New York, where summer temperatures are in the high 90s, and I would die till I could get in air-conditioning. The difference is the humidity. Israel is former desert so low humidity but New York high temperatures plus high humidity.

So no problem with heat it's the humidity I can't stand.
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I agree with you about the humidity @Glory1.

I love Florida and have been on numerous occasions and I thank god for air conditioning. (not something I am keen on normally) Though without it, I doubt I would have returned to that part of the world so many times.

I refused to have AC in our place in Spain though as it was a corner apartment, overlooking the sea with windows in every room. Just flung those open and always had some sort of breeze to cool us down..

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Girl in a jacket
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I'm happy being in the middle. Hate it when it's too hot or too cold.
I work for O2 but my comments and opinions posted here are solely my own and do not reflect those of Telefonica.

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I loooooove warm weather @Anonymous! grin sun

I tend to be miserable when it's dark and cold and when Spring starts and the evenings/mornings start getting lighter it feels AMAZING. I don't mind humidity but then again I haven't experienced Thailand-style humidity like @jonsie or Israel or Florida like @Glory1 and @Cleoriff so can't really compare much.


Thursday 25C and sunny! smiley

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@Marjo wrote:

I loooooove warm weather @Anonymous! grin sun

I tend to be miserable when it's dark and cold and when Spring starts and the evenings/mornings start getting lighter it feels AMAZING.


Thursday 25C and sunny! smiley

I know @Marjo I can't wait.Bouncy... Must see if I have anything to fit. I may have to buy some clothes for warm sunny weather. (Any excuse) joy

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Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 57

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Believe me @Marjo if you spent one day in New York in July or August you would know what I meant about humidity. Israel as I said was former desert so the humidity is low making the high temperatures in the summer bearable. I'll take Israel's summer over New York any day.

Florida can also get humid, I believe, though I've only ever been in the winter round Christmas and spent time in Orlando at Disney World.
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Florida is humid as its built on swamplands I believe? 

@Bambinowill correct me if I am wrong wink

I have been in September and October and we could always guarantee to have a massive downpour about 2pm in the afternoon. Lasted an hour and then the sun would come out and you could see the heat rising.

October tends to be hurricane month as well. Once we were there and were faced with Hurricane George.

We were lucky, it hit the Florida Keys and then swerved away from our area. Pretty frightening nevertheless. Fear

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Girl in a jacket
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