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Welcome to the APRIL FOOL edition of






As mentioned in the Advanced Notice on Monday HERE  I will be quizmaster this week and our resident quizmaster (  @Mi-Amigo ) will also be attempting to answer the 12 questions in this White Room April Fool Quiz  


                                                                 THE  QUESTIONS



Q1: APRIL FOOL PRANKS: One of the greatest April Fool pranks of all time was the Spaghetti Tree Prank. In which country were Spaghetti trees said to be growing?


Q2: SCIENCE : In coal mining, what is known as firedamp?


Q3: TRIVIA: Who were the last two people to be imprisoned in the Tower Of London?


Q4:TELEVISION: Which famous film director, directed the first episode of Columbo in 1971?


Q5:GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Olympus Mons Mountain located?


Q6: SPORT. What football Club once had Field Marshal Montgomery as its Chairman and Arthur Conan Doyle as a goalkeeper?


Q7: ART: Which famous artist had himself tied to the mast of a ship so he could paint a storm?

Q8: MUSIC: Which Nobel Prize winner wrote 'Make You Feel My Love' for Adele?


Q9: WORDS: What is the connection between the following words: Leapfrog, Import, Shipwrecked, Zany?


Q10: MEDICINE: Where was the world's first human heart transplant performed in 1967


Q11: NATURE: What is the fastest two legged creature in the world?


Q12: HISTORY: Which British Prime Minister was Knighted a total of 26 times?



The White Room Thursday Quiz will be open to all members of the Community.

Those who want to take part will need to pm (private message) me ( @Cleoriff ) anytime after the questions are posted and up to 23.59 [11.59pm] on Thursday 2 April 2020.

Please do not post your answers on the thread.

The answers - and the results for each player taking part - will be posted on Friday 3rd April 2020.


                                                                   THE AWARDS:

Each correct answer will be awarded a star . In addition, the following trophies will be awarded for


                          12 correct      10 correct     8 correct     6 correct     4 correct

                            answers          answers       answers      answers      answers

                      diamond-thinker.jpggolden-thinker.jpg     silver-thinker.jpg    bronze-thinker-crop.jpg      red-thinker.jpg

                            Diamond         Golden         Silver         Bronze              Red

                             Thinker           Thinker       Thinker      Thinker           Thinker




                                                                THE RULES

Each member are able to pm (private message) their answers to me ( @Cleoriff from as soon as the questions are posted... and up to 23.59 (11.59pm) tomorrow -  Thursday 2 April 2020.

No member is to post any answer on the thread.

Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Thursday will be declared void.

No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.


I hope that our "regulars" quizzers

@gmarkj  @jonsie   @MI5  @pgn  @WispaRed7 @OldFart @Martin-O2 @Marjo and new members who said they would play... @O2Adnan @O2Sean 

all members who have played previously, those who have never played before, and new members will take part and join in.


Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.

If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply on here.


Thank you everyone for your interest and I hope everyone enjoys this April Fool edition of the White Room Thursday Quiz. (Particularly in this mad world we now find ourselves in) tongue_winking



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 99

Level 77: Grand Master
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A mammoth quiz requires herculean effort. Thank you, @Cleoriff 👑👏
Message 71 of 99

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                                           THE ANSWERS



Q1: APRIL FOOL PRANKS: One of the greatest April Fool pranks of all time was the Spaghetti Tree Prank. In which country were Spaghetti trees said to be growing?

A: Switzerland (Was a BBC hoax in 1957. Showed a family in Switzerland standing by a 'spaghetti tree'. Decades later, CNN stated in was the most impressive hoax ever pulled by a reputable News company)


Q2: SCIENCE : In coal mining, what is known as firedamp?

A: Methane gas


Q3: TRIVIA: Who were the last two people to be imprisoned in the Tower Of London?

A: The Krays (They were imprisoned for a few days in 1952 for failing to report for National Service)


Q4:TELEVISION: Which famous film director, directed the first episode of Columbo in 1971?

A: Steven Spielberg


Q5:GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Olympus Mons Mountain located?

A: Mars


Q6: SPORT. What football Club once had Field Marshal Montgomery as its Chairman and Arthur Conan Doyle as a goalkeeper?

A: Portsmouth FC


Q7: ART: Which famous artist had himself tied to the mast of a ship so he could paint a storm?

A: JMW Turner. (Painted in 1842 and called Snow Storm-Steamboat off a Harbours Mouth)


Q8: MUSIC: Which Nobel Prize winner wrote 'Make You Feel My Love' for Adele?

A: Bob Dylan (Wrote and recorded by Bob in 1997 for his album Time out of Mind)


Q9: WORDS: What is the connection between the following words: Leapfrog, Import, Shipwrecked, Zany?

A: All words that Shakespeare invented. He added over 1700 new words to the English Vocabulary


Q10: MEDICINE: Where was the world's first human heart transplant performed in 1967?

A: Cape town. South Africa (Operation performed by Dr Christian Barnard in the Groote Schuur Hospital)


Q11: NATURE: What is the fastest two legged creature in the world?

A: Peregrine Falcon

(trick question really. Hoped the words two legged creature would catch people out) The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, and the fastest member of the animal kingdom. It is not usually a fast animal, but its great speed is achieved in its hunting dive, the stoop, wherein it soars to a great height, then dives steeply at speeds of over 200 mph (320 km/h). 


Q12: HISTORY: Which British Prime Minister was Knighted a total of 26 times?

A: Duke Of Wellington.

(another tricky one. The Duke of Wellington, although a soldier was also a PM twice in 1828 and 1830-1834.  He was knighted in various countries where he helped in battle


So there you have it. Posting this now, as it will take me about 30 minutes to get the results up yahoo

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 72 of 99

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Good grief woman!!!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 73 of 99

Level 47: Going Places
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@MI5 wrote:
Good grief woman!!!

Wait till we see the results for each player Destroy  joy LOL 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 74 of 99

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Well I know I have failed sob

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 75 of 99

Level 47: Going Places
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@MI5 wrote:

Well I know I have failed sob

... and me Handshake


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 76 of 99

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Happy Dance

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 77 of 99

Level 77: Grand Master
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I still think the Kangaroo was a good contender for the speed one. Now let me go bury my head in the sand for a spell... weary


BTW, @Cleoriff  - sterling job all-round, Your Highness Hug

Message 78 of 99

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1) Correct star 2) Correct star 3) Correct star 4) Correct star 5) Correct star 6) Correct star 7) Correct star 😎 Correct star 9) Correct star 10) Correct star 11) Ostrich- Incorrect 12) Churchill- Incorrect

For 10 correct answers ...  awarded the Gold Thinker




1) Correct star 2) Correct star 3) Correct  star 4) Correct star5) Greece-Incorrect 6) Correct star 7) Correct star 😎 Correct star 9) Correct star 10) Correct star  11) Correct star 12) John Major Incorrect


For 10 correct answers awarded the Gold Thinker





1) Italy Incorrect 2) Coal Dust-Incorrect 3) The Two Princes- Incorrect 4) Correct star5) French Alps-Incorrect 6) Tottenham Hotspur-Incorrect 7) Correctstar 😎 Correct star 9)Pop Group-Incorrect 10)England- Incorrect 11) Ostrich- Incorrect 12) Harold Wilson-Incorrect

Scored starstarstar correct



1) Correct star 2) Correct star 3) Correct star 4) Correct star 5) Correct star 6) Southampton -Incorrect 7) Correct star 😎 Correct star 9) Isolation -Incorrect 10) Correct star11) Ostrich- Incorrect 12) Boris Johnson, Should have been put to the sword 26  times- Incorrect Smiley Very Happy

Scored 8 starand awarded a Silver Thinker





1) starCorrect star 2) Correct star 3) Correct star 4) Correct star 5) Correct star 6) Correct star 

7) Correct star 😎 Correct star 9) Correctstar 10) Correctstar 11) Ostrich -Incorrect (wrong choice out of the 3 you gave me @pgn ) 12) Correct star


Scored 11 and a Gold Thinker +1star

golden-thinker.jpg+ star




1) Italy- Incorrect 2) Correctstar 3) Guy Fawkes -incorrect 4) Correct star 5) Correct star 6) Crystal Palace -incorrect. 7)Someone Stupid-incorrect 😎 Correct star 9) Not a clue-Incorrect 10)London-Incorrect 11) My ex-wife when she saw the ice cream van pulling off- Incorrect Smiley Very Happy12) Churchill-Incorrect

Scored 4 starstarstarstar

Awarded a Red Thinker






1) Italy- Incorrect. 2) Moisture from Gas- Incorrect 3) King Charles- Incorrect 4) Correct star 5) Greece-Incorrect 6) Arsenal-Incorrect 7) Van Gogh-Incorrect 😎 Stephen Hawkin-Incorrect 9) Made up words which made it into dictionary- Incorrect 10) Switzerland-incorrect 11) Kangaroo-Incorrect 12) Churchill-Incorrect


1 Good try @O2 Adnan.




1) Italy-Incorrect 2) Damp Cloth to stifle fires-Incorrect 3) Murderer and Burglar-Incorrect 4)Martin Scorsese-Incorrect 5) Switzerland-Incorrect 6) Man United-Incorrect

7)Matisse-Incorrect 😎 Elton John-Incorrect 9) They all have 2 syllables -Incorrect 10) Sweden-Incorrect 11) Cheetah LOL -Incorrect 12) Pass


Sorry Marjo. Scored nothing but gave me the biggest laugh thinking about a Cheetah with 2 legs.LOL





1) Italy-incorrect 2)No Idea -incorrect 3) Mary QOS and James- Incorrect 4) Correct star 5) Greece-Incorrect 6)  Liverpool -incorrect 7)Van Gogh-Incorrect 😎 Correct star 9) No idea-incorrect

USA-Incorrect 11)Ostrich-Incorrect 12) Churchill-Incorrect


2 Correct. starstar Good try O2 Sean




1) Correct star 2) Correctstar 3) Pass-Incorrect 4) Correct star 5) Greece-Incorrect 6) Correct star 7)Van Gogh-Incorrect 😎 Correct star 9) Same in English and German-Incorrect 10)Ostrich/Emu-Incorrect 12) Churchill -Incorrect



5 Correct star starstarstarstar Awarded a Red Thinker + star

red-thinker.jpg+ star






1) USA-Incorrect 2) Gas build up-Incorrect as more than 1 gas in coal mines 3) Guy Fawkes-Incorrect 4) Scorsese-incorrect 5) Correct star 6)Pass-Incorrect 7) Picasso-Incorrect

😎 Pass-Incorrect 9) Pass-Incorrect 10) Germany-Incorrect 11) Ostrich-Incorrect 12) Pass



1 star Correct @Martin.


So the winner of the April Fools Quiz is @pgn  and congratulations for being the only person to get the  Duke Of Wellington correct Mexican Wave


Joint 2nd @MI5  and @Mi-Amigo 

4th @jonsie 

5th @gmarkj 

6th  @Anonymous


Posting this now as the 'natives are getting restless'


Sorry about the delay with the results folks. I hit a spoiler tag intead of an emoticon and couldn't get rid of it. Had to start again.


Well done everyone. Hope you enjoyed it.

I'll hand it back to you @Mi-Amigo Dance Fear







Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 79 of 99

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Good job @Cleoriff and well done everyone.
Very enjoyable slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 80 of 99