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Tory government want the jobless to work in "work houses"

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I'm sorry but what the hell? No, just, no! It's the 21st Century! Work Houses were outlawed YEARS ago.


More to the point, I have been "contributing to society" since I was 14 by doing voluntary work for almost every charity in Sheffield, and I've also done shop and other work on placements from College etc over the last 20 odd years.




Message 1 of 19

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Hi Richard,

They'll still receive their benefit money though. slight_smile

Why don't you think its fair? Its a decision that is splitting a lot of opinions for sure!

Would love to know everyone's thoughts. I used unemployment benefit for a short time and I cant honestly say how I would have felt if I was in the position right now.

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Message 2 of 19

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@Toby wrote:

Hi Richard,

They'll still receive their benefit money though. slight_smile

Why don't you think its fair? Its a decision that is splitting a lot of opinions for sure!

Would love to know everyone's thoughts. I used unemployment benefit for a short time and I cant honestly say how I would have felt if I was in the position right now.

With respect Toby, if this comes in, I will be taking my family and getting the heck OUT of the UK.


For instance, in just over 3 weeks, my Dad will be a Pensioner when he retires, should he be made to work in a "work house" even though he's worked for 50 years?


I officially give up, I have literally worked my bum off for years trying to get paid work to earn enough to potentially come off benefits, but I know it will never happen because physcially I cannot work a 40 hour week.


Message 3 of 19

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I agree. As a tax payer I'm sick and tired of supplementing the scroungers wink
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Message 4 of 19

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@MI5 wrote:
I agree. As a tax payer I'm sick and tired of supplementing the scroungers wink

Jobless in work houses = won't happen, not even in the Government or the Daily Mail's wildest dreams.


Also, contrary to the drivel spouted by some, not everyone on the JSA is a workshy scrounger, there are NO jobs available, there are students who have just graduated in various subjects and disciplines, who even though they have Degrees, still can't get a job.


Message 5 of 19

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Plenty of warehouse jobs out there that the lazy work shy dole scroungers could do IF only these jobs wasn't mostly all taken up by EU immigrants.


Driving a llop around a warehouse doing picking isnt difficult if someone is fit to work.


I wont say any more on the subject as im likely to either upset someone OR get banned from here.



Message 6 of 19

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@Toby wrote:

They'll still receive their benefit money though. slight_smile

That is a shocking comment to make.

Any respect I had for you or this forum has went down the pan.

Message 7 of 19

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Obviously this is a very emotive subject and their are plenty of viewpoints on this.


My take is ;


The JSA / Benefits was in my opinion a short term bridging option to make sure people who lost their job were not left destitute.


Unfortunately this has grown over the years to people {not all} remaining on these types of benefits long term.


The amount given in various ways has grown so much that people cannot afford to go on a low paid wage , as the loss of benefits could mean they are actually worse off financially, but better off pride wise.


Some of the students leaving University etc with honours and degrees have been quoted as saying why should I work in a shop when i have all these qualifications. Lovely on paper but not in the real world when employers want experience. 


Now that the economic climate has changed something had to be done to the system to help people off long term benefits. It takes a strong resolve to do something like this to such an old antiquated system, where people have been left alone to draw benefits each fortnight.


People who cannot for whatever reason do a 40 hour week can work part time, and have their wages supplemented by Working Tax Credits, as an example.


That said one of the worst things to come out recently is the Zero Contract that employers offer. Aweful idea IMO.


I was on the dole for 6 months and started a youth scheme and was fortunate then to be taken on which I remained at that job for 19 years.


Should people who are on long term benefits be asked to work some hours for that money ?

Yes ,and should be dependant on their skills and ability.


People are fortunate that we dont have a system like in America where you can draw benefits for so long and then thats it.


Message 8 of 19

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If you think that Toby, you may as well ban me from this forum right now, I will probably stop posting anyway when my O2 email address stops working on 1/11/13.


If the idiots in government want people to work, they should do their damndest to find work for people, and that work should be paid at a living wage, OK the Daily Fail readers will complain about their taxes being used, but blow them, I want to work, and earn more than the 80 quid a week I have been told I can earn without negatively affecting my benefits, because realistically I know I will never come off said benefits because I cannot physically work full time.



Message 9 of 19

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I have been lucky in life whereby I have never been out of a job or had to claim benefits. Therefore I have paid an awful lot into the system without needing to take anything back.


Should I care about where this money goes or is used? Hell, yes! I have no problems with benefits for the less fortunate, single mothers, the disabled, school leavers unable to get any type of job, people being made redundant etc.


What I do object to is it being lavished on the people who don't want to work, the addicts, the alcoholics, the multi-children-factory producers (yeah...let's have another child = more money!), immigrant spongers and the just plain idle.


Something does have to be done but I don't think this is really the answer. Yes, weed out the spongers and yes, make them contribute in some way to their life of benefits that we are having to fund. God, there is enough litter out there, plenty of potholes to fill, buildings full of grafitti to clean. It's time we took pride in our enviroment.


How many public areas are overgrown, councils strapped for money to keep parks and streets clear of rubbish whist having to resort to speed cameras, bus lane and parking cameras and over zealous traffic wardens to keep the coffers topped up? These enviromental jobs are the type that the work-shy should be filling.


My concern is that the planned government action is going to make even less jobs available, after all, why employ someone and pay them when they can get the job done for free or at a great reduction in conjunction with some government scheme?



Your father won't be forced to work for his pension, that isn't yet in the grand scheme of things.

Message 10 of 19