on 09-12-2018 14:33
on 09-12-2018 14:33
O2 is seeking £100m in damages from Ericsson over the recent outage. Offering a crumb to customers in compensation will madden many.
on 09-12-2018 14:41
on 09-12-2018 14:42
on 09-12-2018 14:44
on 09-12-2018 14:44
Probably wanting to cover all the massive claims to come from their own customers....
on 09-12-2018 15:37
on 09-12-2018 15:37
Wonder how long before someone the herd pops up asking why they've only been given 60p when o2 are getting millions.
09-12-2018 16:49 - edited 09-12-2018 16:51
I imagine O2 will have to cough up a hell of a lot more than two days credit for any large accounts who are completely dependent on data services for engineers or machine to machine applications.
Maybe time for Ericsson and other vendors to write in a grace period to guard against this happening again.
I reckon if I were a small business customer I'd probably be wanting more than 2 days service credit too.