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The X-Factor

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So I decided to start watching again now that Louis Walsh is gone, love him though I did, and there are 3 new judges. Interesting we have Mr and Mrs Robbie Williams. Why? Anyway hopefully with Louis gone, we'll no longer see the weird and wonderful acts he put through which were truly dreadful. Honey G anyone!

So who's watching and what do you think of the acts put through so far? A couple were amazing, I thought.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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@Glory1 wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

Robbie always reckoned his dad  taught him everything. He used to be a pub and club singer in the Stoke and Midlands areas and was quite well known back in the day...So I have no problem him living off his sons fame now as they absolutely adore each other.

I had forgotten about the greek

Shame really, as she was the complete pop star package until she opened her mouth. Too full of herself and pretending to be Beyonce doesn't wash with me unless you can sing.

I did like her outfit though. I particularly like the look on Ayda's face as she watched for Robbie's reaction joy

Yes, as I said great body. And I liked her outfit too. But unfortunately, her singing was a big disappointment. 


Ayda's reaction made me laugh out liud. She was not best pleased. Silly really as Robbie is a man after all, and not dead yet. So naturally he's going to react when a sexy girl is on stage. He still went home with her after all.

This reminds me of this particular classic that sums up X-Factor in 30 seconds:



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Is this @sheepdog 'waving his hands in the air as he just don't care' mode? joy

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Girl in a jacket
Message 42 of 264

Not applicable

@jonsie wrote:
She Sang too....? 😮

wink LOL smiling

Message 43 of 264

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Missed that bit did you @jonsie? Not that you missed much, she couldn't actually sing LOL

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 44 of 264

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Well just finished watching X-Factor.

The 1st two acts were forgettable in my book. The rest of the acts a great improvement on them. My favourites: the choir, partly because they did my favourite song from The Greatest Showman ( though I doubt they'll get too far because there are so many of them, not too mention what genre would they fit apart from show tunes); the chap who lived with his pastor, the young lady who worked at a temp agency, amazing voice; the Filipina singer whose voice switched between feminine and masculine and who I assume is transgender.

The last singer didn't do it for me and I agreed with Simon. I think Louis only gave him his 3rd yes because they were friendly when he and that chap auditioned 8 years ago. I actually remember him from that time and I think he sang much better then to be honest.

As for the cocky lad that thought he was God's gift to women. No thanks. Taking his shirt off was a big, big mistake. No one in the crowd wanted it (which should have told him something) and it put the judges right off him. You need to be able to sing and engage the audience, a pretty face and nice body alone won't do it. I can't remember who said his attitude would make people hate him but it was also so true.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 45 of 264

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I didn't see much of it at all last night. It was on in the background for a while but interrupted when my grandson popped up for a visit. He moves into his new digs for Uni next weekend and this is probably the last we will see of him for 6 weeks or more slight_frown

He was annoyed at his new timetable again. which in effect stops him coming home at weekends as often as last year.

Anyway he wanted to watch Q3 in F1 again. He supports Lewis but is a Max fan. So we put the last 10 mins on.

So I can't really comment. I saw the guy who ripped his shirt and jacket off and thought what a berk. Absolutely zilch charisma or voice. I loved the choir. Not sure about the one from the Phillipines. Good voice but a tad weird for my liking.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 46 of 264

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I watched it, or should I say listened. and liked the choir but solely for their choice of song. I'm not really into the whole cross-gender thing when it comes to music. No matter how good they are I would prefer they weren't trying to entertain me on a Saturday night (apologies to any LGBT people amongst us). He wasn't much good to be honest, just different and I suppose he will entertain quite a few people.

Tonight though, there were a few good singers though I forget their names so quickly. The last girl especially stood out from the rest. The local lad from Blackburn had quite an interesting voice....until you looked up from whatever you were doing and saw him. He would never make good visual television and tbh he was only as good as my attempts at karaoke!

Message 47 of 264

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Haven't watched my recording yet @jonsie so will look out for the girl you mention. I thought the transgender singer had a decent voice but I'm not sure I'd want to listen to the voice changes over time. Unique once or twice but possibly irritating after awhile. Oh and apology accepted 😊
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 48 of 264

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I did watch it tonight. There were a few good acts on.


The lass called Lanya who belted out I'm Telling you (by Jennifer Hudson (was damn good.)

Dalton, who gave a nervous but ok rendition of Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word.


Then we had an idiot called Ezad?....He looked 'lovely' with his blue dress, blue hair and blue lipstick.

Apparently he is a banker. Cue the sniggers. Absolutely awful with his rendition of Bang Bang


Nathan who sang Rise Up. Good voice but lacking personality I thought....


And then there was Shan. The last singer @jonsie mentioned. She sang 'Never Enough' from The Greatest Showman.

A preview here

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Girl in a jacket
Message 49 of 264

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Just watched my recording and thank you @Cleoriff for the preview of Shan.

I have to start with Shan, the last act. To say she was brilliant doesn't do her justice, what an amazing voice. I will be surprised if she doesn't get through to the live shows.

Thanks @Cleoriff for the names as well as I can never remember them.

Anyway, also loved Lanya's rendition of And I'm Telling You, my favourite song from Dream Girls.

I felt for Dalton who I'm sure has a great voice but the nerves got to him. I wish him luck as he's travelled a long way and needs a bit of luck in his life.

As for Ezad, well I assume he dresses differently for the bank (I hope!). But he can't sing though obviously hears something different. Shame but he's going to be very disappointed in life if he really wants to pursue a musical career.

Didn't understand them putting through the teacher who rapped. Didn't do a thing for me personally and I've heard better raps but then what do I know 🤩

Never was a fan of One D, though I knew their names and occasionally heard their music, not by choice. But I have to admit I'm liking Louis Tomlinson a lot. Think he's a bit of a softie and I find that endearing.

Loved Simon with his son who is adorable and liked Simon's comment about how the birth of his son has changed him.

So far, glad I've started watching X-Factor again, am enjoying it. Just curious though, have they had less humourously bad acts, or have they just stopped showing them?
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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