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The X-Factor

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So I decided to start watching again now that Louis Walsh is gone, love him though I did, and there are 3 new judges. Interesting we have Mr and Mrs Robbie Williams. Why? Anyway hopefully with Louis gone, we'll no longer see the weird and wonderful acts he put through which were truly dreadful. Honey G anyone!

So who's watching and what do you think of the acts put through so far? A couple were amazing, I thought.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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Anthony starts the show with Let It Be.

Probably the worse version I've ever heard in my life!!


Yet the judges liked it...or are they just bigging every one up as its the final?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 231 of 264

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Dalton smashed it out of the park. Superb performance.

His individual song was A song for You' (Donna Hathaway)

The crowd were on their feet  for ages.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 232 of 264

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Scarlett. Her individual song is Your Song (Elton John)

A very powerful performance.

Not as good as Dalton but a 100 times better than Anthony...

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Girl in a jacket
Message 233 of 264

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Next songs of the night....

Anthony with Tom Walker: Leave the Light On


Anthony's performance better than his first. Though I think that was more to do with Tom Walker.

His hyperactivity is actually getting on my nerves now!!

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Girl in a jacket
Message 234 of 264

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Dalton  up next with Emilie Sande: Beneath Your Beautiful.


A beautiful performance.He just doesn't realise how good he is.

His family were in the audience and he was just blown away.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 235 of 264

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Scarlett. with Robbie Williams :Angels...


Excellent performance. So good he has invited her to appear with him at Hyde Park in July.

PS For those who think Robbie is arrogant, he said to Scarlett 'you will smash this, you are a far better singer than me'. True...wink

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Girl in a jacket
Message 236 of 264

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And the vote is now open......


So most of the action will be tomorrow night....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 237 of 264

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Have now watched my recording of X Factor. My thoughts:


Loved the opening number with a medley of my favourite Robbie hits.


Anthony: OMG just how bad was that. He absolutely trashed one of my favourite Beatle tracks. I wanted to scream shut up, shut up shut up..........angry_devil


And the judges' comments. Don't know what they're on but keep it away from me as it clearly affects your hearing!


Dalton: Smashed it outta the park. Now that, Anthony, is how you do it.


Scarlett: She looked stunning and her voice was stunning but not on a par with Dalton. But then no one is on a par with Dalton.


Loved Robbie inviting Scarlett to sing with him in July in Hyde Park. What a lovely thing to do and something for her to look forward to if she doesn't win.


Then there was James Arthur and Anne-Marie; yawn. Truly forgettable.


The duets:


Anthony and Tom Walker: Anthony rubbish; Tom Walker fantastic.


Dalton and Emeli Sande: FANTASTIC!!!


Scarlett and Robbie Williams: Brilliant duet and, yes, Robbie Scarlett has the better singing voice.


Will be interesting tomorrow (or should I say today). Hopefully, Anthony will be gone and it'll be between Dalton and Scarlett; Dalton to win. Though I'd be happy for Scarlett to win but not as happy, as he has, by far, the better voice. 


Just as long as it's not Anthony rage

By the way, not meaning to be pedantic, but I was amused by Simon's mispronounciation of the word hyperbole which he said twice. Though he clearly knows what it means, just not how to pronounce it LOL

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 238 of 264

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Quite a decent show once you fast forward through the dross, through the adverts, through the family members and coach trips, through Anthony....


Oh dear, you just had to sing a Beatles favourite and totally trash it. In the words of the song you attempted to murder....

And when the night is cloudy

there is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow, let it be.......

And he was totally outsung and out performed in the duet by Tom Walker!


I'm undecided in all honesty. Great voice though no charisma or character. The shyness thing needs to be overcome because there is no doubt he has the talent, he needs to get a personality. Not being British might, just might, go against him.


Loved the Elton classic, better than the John Lewis advert by far. She has a certain presence and the better personality of the three of them. Sad that she sreamed through the chorus of Angels with Robbie but it was good to see the way they were with each other and the obvious gig invite was down to the fun factor of singing together.

So we wait whilst the flawed regional, drummed up support gets to vote and is then hacked by the Russians or Chinese, even maybe the FBI or CIA. There has to be some influence on the way the people vote surely....??

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While Dalton is certainly shy @jonsie, I think he lacks a belief in himself as well. I think he has been kicked around so much that he truly doesn't believe he can win, whatever he says to the contrary. 


I still hope he wins, though. But if, God forbid, it's Anthony, I've no doubt you'll hear my screams from London where you are without the benefit of a phone or aid of any kind.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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