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The White Room Thursday Quiz - 5 Sept 2019

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                       This week`s contestant, chosen at random by @EmilieT, is




The six questions are:


Q1 [people]: What was the name of William Shakespeare`s only son?


Q2 [history]: What was the name of George Stevenson`s first steam locomotive?


Q3 [geography]: What was the original name of the memorial to four US Presidents carved in the rock

     in the Black Hills in South Dakota?


Q4 [words]: What is a thurible?


Q5 [nature]: What sound does the world`s largest frog make?


Q6 [currency]: How many sixpences were there in one guinea in pre-decimal British currency? 



You can only give one answer to each question.

You can answer the questions in any order - please copy and paste the question and answer.

You can post one, or more, answer at any time between 00.01 [one minute after midnight] and 23.59 [11.59pm] on Thursday 5 September 2019.

Any answer posted before 00.01 or after 23.59 will be declared void.

Please - no googling, Wiki, social media, Youtube in search of the answers.


The results, with the correct answers, will be posted on Friday 6 September 2019.

Each correct answer will be awarded a star

If you get all six questions correct, you will be awarded the Silver Thinker

Image result for silver thinker


All members, including those who have already been a contestant or have put their names forward as contestants and those who are considering being a future contestant, are welcome to join in and play along - by making their own list of questions and seeing how many they can get right - but, please do not post your answers on the thread.


Thank you for your interest and good luck @pgn 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 15

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@Mi-Amigo I have to say, those are quite tough -at least for me!


Good luck @pgn, looking forward to learning some new things again nerd smiling

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Message 2 of 15

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Hmm. No promises - three certs, one maybe and two "now let me think"s...

Crafty @Mi-Amigo, yes indeed. 🤔
Message 3 of 15

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@pgn wrote:
Hmm. No promises - three certs, one maybe and two "now let me think"s...

Crafty @Mi-Amigo, yes indeed. 🤔

That`s pretty much what I was thinking when I chose the questions over the weekend - before your name was chosen by Emilie - so I`m now wondering what your answers will be...


Also I`ll be interest to see what those playing along have on their lists when I give the results and answers on Friday


Good luck....


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 4 of 15

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@Mi-Amigo wrote:


The six questions are:


Q1 [people]: What was the name of William Shakespeare`s only son?

My book on Shakespeare and his sonnets says he had a daughter, Susannah, followed by twins - one of which was a boy, called Hamnet. Hamnet died aged 11, so no male heir, alas. 


Q2 [history]: What was the name of George Stevenson`s first steam locomotive?

A: Not The Rocket, but the Locomotion No. 1 - that was the first passenger locomotive. The catch is his first locomotive was for hauling goods, and was called Blucher, after some general in the Prussian Army. So I'd say the Blucher is what you are looking for. 


Q3 [geography]: What was the original name of the memorial to four US Presidents carved in the rock in the Black Hills in South Dakota?

Tricky. In Mount Rushmore National Park, the Shrine of Democracy, known to the native Americans as the Six Grandfathers. It featured in the Hitchcock film, North by Northwest. 


Q4 [words]: What is a thurible?

Easy: It's a censer, or the device in a church that is used to burn the incense. It has a brass base, in which a smouldering charcoal tablet is placed, and this base hangs on 3 chains, with a 4th chain to lift the lid and add the incense. The chains allow the thurible to be swung from side to side, keeping the charcoal smouldering, and burning the incense, which emanates as sweet smelling smoke. 


Q5 [nature]: What sound does the world`s largest frog make? 

No idea. Does it sing, making a twanging noise? I have heard the twangy racket these frogs, in large numbers, make in the rainy season in Central Africa.  And the booming one is, I think, a toad... Don't know


Q6 [currency]: How many sixpences were there in one guinea in pre-decimal British currency? 

A guinea is one pound, or 20 shillings, and a shilling - 21 shillings, or: 42 sixpences in a guinea - the answer to the ultimate question... 😁


That's it - no silver thinker, I would guess, frogs let me down, as well as Washington, Lincoln and the other 2 presidents, I suspect.


Good quiz, @Mi-Amigo and @EmilieT

Message 5 of 15

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The results:


Answers given by @pgn 

Q1 [people]: What was the name of William Shakespeare`s only son?

A1: My book on Shakespeare and his sonnets says he had a daughter, Susannah, followed by twins - one of which was a boy, called Hamnet. Hamnet died aged 11, so no male heir, alas.

- correct = awarded star 


Q2 [history]: What was the name of George Stevenson`s first steam locomotive?

A2: Not The Rocket, but the Locomotion No. 1 - that was the first passenger locomotive. The catch is his first locomotive was for hauling goods, and was called Blucher, after some general in the Prussian Army. So I'd say the Blucher is what you are looking for. 

- correct = Blucher built 1815; Locomotion No 1 opened Stockton-Darlington Railway 1825; The Rocket competed in and won the Rainhill steam locomotive trials in 1829 = awarded star


Q3 [geography]: What was the original name of the memorial to four US Presidents carved in the rock in the Black Hills in South Dakota?

A3 Tricky. In Mount Rushmore National Park, the Shrine of Democracy, known to the native Americans as the Six Grandfathers. It featured in the Hitchcock film, North by Northwest.

- Shrine of Democracy is correct = awarded star 


Q4 [words]: What is a thurible?

A4 Easy: It's a censer, or the device in a church that is used to burn the incense. It has a brass base, in which a smouldering charcoal tablet is placed, and this base hangs on 3 chains, with a 4th chain to lift the lid and add the incense. The chains allow the thurible to be swung from side to side, keeping the charcoal smouldering, and burning the incense, which emanates as sweet smelling smoke.

- correct = star 


Q5 [nature]: What sound does the world`s largest frog make? 

No idea. Does it sing, making a twanging noise? I have heard the twangy racket these frogs, in large numbers, make in the rainy season in Central Africa.  And the booming one is, I think, a toad... Don't know

- incorrect. This was not only the QI-style question but actually featured in the TV programme and the accompanying book. At least, you didn`t give the normal answer "ribbit", which is only made by the Pacific tree frog, and is found close to Holloywood, which is why its sound features in movies.

The correct answer is the world`s largest frog - the Goliath frog - is mute and doesn`t make a sound.


Q6 [currency]: How many sixpences were there in one guinea in pre-decimal British currency? 

A6: A guinea is one pound, or 20 shillings, and a shilling - 21 shillings, or: 42 sixpences in a guinea - the answer to the ultimate question... 😁


Well done @pgn , you are awarded star star star star star

Unfortunately you just missed out on the Silver Thinker as the answer to the frog question was wrong.


How did those playing along do? Did you have the answers to the tricky history and geography questions? Feedback is welcome.


The White Room Thursday Quiz is open to everyone. So if you would like to be a contestant and have not put your name forward please pm me @Mi-Amigo  and I`ll add your name to the list to be drawn by EmilieT.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 6 of 15

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I definitely would have got the one about the frog wrong. I suspected that was the QI question.


Funnily enough, I got the guinea question wrong (in my head) simply because I can't add up!

Had I been the challenger, I would have double checked though LOL

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A silent frog hushed Well I definitely learned something! 


Well done @pgn, and thanks for organising these questions @Mi-Amigo, very interesting as always slight_smile

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Message 8 of 15

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Thanks for playing along @Cleoriff 

What`s interesting in planning the questions is I have no idea which will be the most difficult. I honestly thought that whoever was chosen would get the frog one but though the Mount Rushmore one was the hardest...


And for those considering being a contestant or taking part next week, I will be choosing six questions from these categories over the weekend -


- so thinking caps on folks  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 9 of 15

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CHEMISTRY??? FGS, I resign rofl

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More info
Unless it's biochemistry of course) Lol

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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