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🛁 💅🏻Summer on the O2 community 💅🏻 🛁: SPA at Home

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Hey guys,


with work now being done from home and no real holiday in sight it is time to bring relaxation into house too. But there is no need to turn your bathroom into an elaborate wellness retreat. A self-care session can be as simple as popping on a mask to relax from a day at your work-from-home office (aka sofa). We put together some ideas on how to have a proper pampering SPA day at home.


Set the Scene

With work now invading our personal spaces it is important to draw a line to switch off. Turn off all technology or anything that disturbs you. Jump in a comfy robe and let the spa treatment begin.



Get in the Mood

There is nothing more important than setting the mood for a relaxing pamper day. Get your favourite book (or the one you have been trying to read for ages), put on some relaxing music (or maybe an audible audio books?) and light a scented candle. Scents are key when it comes to switching off: Essential oils hold properties that will naturally help your mind and body relax.


Drift off with a Massage

Massages are super expensive and you will need someone else to do it? Not the case: Put on some hand creme and squeeze in a quick hand massage as you work the cream in. It's an easy way to add some self-care to your evening. If you've had a lymphatic drainage massage before, you know how relaxing the process feels. Surprisingly, it's not that difficult to do at home. To give this drainage a boost, gently massage your body away from extremities and up toward your collarbones - do it in the shower with some lotion or body wash.


10374.jpgRun a Bath

The most obvious step in a DIY beauty treatment is running a bath. Indulge in some bath bombs that fizz up the water, bath oils that will make you feel Cleopatra bathing in milk & honey, or get some bath soap to get the bubbles going. If taking baths really is not your cup of tea try getting a shower foam to transform a simple rinse off into an actual Spa treatment.


Cleanse, Peel and Scrub

The first step for any facial is to cleanse. Combine that step with exfoliation once or twice a week, and you're well on your way to glowing. Get a peel and scrub away those tired layers of skin to look as fresh as a newborn baby. A weekly facial is a great way to give yourself a boost of skin-smoothing and brightening results to keep your skin on track. But there is more. Manual labour works wonders. Get yourself a body brush. Dry brushing increases blood flow and stimulates collagen production, which will help to strengthen your skin. It also dramatically increases elasticity, so it's great for lifting and toning.


39017.jpgDo a Mask

At last but not least - no spa treatment works without a mask. Whether it is a peel- off, a sheet mask or a home made yogurt and honey mask. Give your face some time to replenish with all the moisture there is. But while you are at it - why not try eye patches to give more hydration to the delicate undereye area? It's a good way to multitask. And if that isn't enough - Try a hair mask to refresh and sooth your scalp face and help it relax from wearing that thinking cap all the time.



What do you do at home to relax? What is your Home Spa or Pamper Routine? Let me know below if you have any tips.

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Message 1 of 14

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Interesting tips @LukasB and @Mi-Amigo you made me nostalgically think back to when I still took baths as in soaked in a bath tub. In the past few years I've tried a few times, and every time I'm unable to relax and just feel impatient lying there for some reason. But a few years back, I had frequent nice long baths with different types of bath salts and LOTS of bubbles. Even rose petals occasionally. grin


Do any of you ever make face masks? If so I'd love to hear what ingredients you use/recommend...


Just adding, the chair looks great @TallTrees thumbsup

Message 11 of 14

Level 52: Innovator
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Hey @Marjo
I love my chair 😴 for relaxing.
Face mask ... honey and yoghurt face mask, much nicer to eat though.


Message 12 of 14

Level 52: Innovator
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Hi @Marjo and @LukasB
I have used Fullers Earth ...for a face mask...
Mix powder with water to a paste put on face as mask, then after it has hardened wash off. Very refreshing and not expensive. It is a grey colour natural earth product. Always had a tub cleans lots of things dry too.
Recommended 😁


Message 13 of 14

Not applicable

A treat for your feet at night-time

Soak your feet or after a bath 

Dry, than 'slather' on Avon Footworks Overnight Treatment With Lavender

Lie on your bed and your feet will 'zing'


Avon can be bought online from the company or Ebay.

Message 14 of 14