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[Spoiler warning] New Star Trek series on Netflix!

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Hi guys, hope your day is going well!


Are you aware that there's a new Star Trek series on Netflix now? It started on Monday and there's already 2 episodes available. 


This is me about it: Crazy Confused CrazyBouncy Crazy 


Have you started watching it already or have plans to do so? I'm still lacking behind in the previous series a bit, currently at mid-season 3 on Voyager. However, do you think I should go ahead anyway and watch the new one too at the same time? @Martin-O2 said it shouldn't spoil anything but... I'm a bit paranoid! Shocked


Apparently it's pretty awesome at least according to this article.



Message 1 of 28

Not applicable

I might give it a shot as I’m a Star Trek fan & have heard mixed reviews 

Message 2 of 28

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I've started watching this thanks to my son adding me to his Netflix account. I think it's going to be a good series and we've waited a long time. I found it a bit dark and moody whist building the characters up and it's unlike any of the Trekkie series previously. I'm reserving judgement until later to be honest, it's all a little Star Warsish at the moment but once the characters have evolved I'm sure it will be a must watch for all Star Trek fans. 

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@Anonymous wrote:

I might give it a shot as I’m a Star Trek fan & have heard mixed reviews 

I'm so happy we have a related smiley now: vulcan

Let us know how you like it when you've watched a few episodes @Anonymous! But don't spoil without the tags or I'm going to angry_devil 



@jonsie interesting to see a different style then. I'm not a big Star Wars fan and haven't actually seen much of those, so I might not notice any similarities there myself.

Message 4 of 28

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Yep, saw both episodes last night. Watch the second one immediately as its a two parter and of course its Netflix so you have to do it by default yahoo Minor annoyance - obviously has the US advert breaks as pauses which fades out then repeats the last few seconds - needs to be sorted by Netflix at some point. 


 I'd agree with Jonsie in that its a darker moodier tone this time more in line with the rebooted films  (And follows the lens-flare thing which will be dropped no doubt). Which I'm not sure it quite works yet especially as the technology seems more advanced than every other series and films. Best to take it as a reboot/re-imagined than a continuation of the franchise and put all your Trekism's away to one side.


Photographically, it is absolutely stunning and well, amazing visuals for a TV show. Whether it maintains that standard 12 episodes in is another matter. Oh and as for theme tune, its forgettable which is a shame as at least Enterprise you could either hate it or like it (I'm of the latter). As are the titles then again its on Netflix so not a problem when you're binge watching. Lets just say that ST:Voyager remains the best title sequence of the lot. 


Ok  minimal spoilers:


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More info

1) You'll be googling why have they named the lead character that

2) Klingons have er, well google "augment virus" and then ask the question: did it wipe out Barbers on the Lingon homeworld?

3) Purple deflector array on the Shenzou. Really impressive. Blue is soooo 24th Century nerd

4) Holographic communications. Interesting but er makes every other Star Trek series and films wrong. 

5) Go on, google lateral vector transporter. 



BTW, checkout The Expanse on Netflix as well. It moves a touch slowly in the first couple of episodes but stick with it as it picks up rapidly and the plot falls into place as the series goes on. 

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Not a trekkie so wont be watching...but I will contine to read this thread. Who knows I might have a change of mind....?? LOL

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Apparently it come with Klingon subtitles. Need to be a real fan I think?**Personal info**/star-trek-discovery-netflix-klingon-subtitles/


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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I can speak Klingon...

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Takes half a bottle 🍾 normally 
Message 7 of 28

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@sheepdog Yes, I agree on Netflix you can't really just watch ONE episode if there's more available. laughing I'll catch up on all the available ones this weekend I think!

Is Expanse the one with Halle Berry in space?

Message 8 of 28

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@Marjo wrote:

@sheepdog Yes, I agree on Netflix you can't really just watch ONE episode if there's more available. laughing I'll catch up on all the available ones this weekend I think!

Is Expanse the one with Halle Berry in space?

No, that one is called (er googled it) Extant which I think is on Amazon Prime for now. Apparently been cancelled after 2 seasons so once the rights expire, it may appear on one of the streaming companies at some point. All to do with licensing rights and regional as well so you really have no choice but to binge-watch otherwise it might just disappear without a reason.
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So episode 3 is out and its the tone setter for the series. Now I'm engaged (couldn't resist nerd ) with the storyline. I'm torn between watching it weekly or saving it all now for a binge.


Oh well spolier tags ahoy:


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This episode you get a tribble

You get fungus

You get a killer alien

You get a dark devious crew, darker and more cynical than ever along the lines of the parallel universe, without goatees

Lewis Carrol 

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The girl from Disney's Brave


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