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Recent events in Woolwich - London.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the British soldier killed in such horrific circumstances in Woolwich.

As much is not clear yet please don't use this thread to hate.

Message 1 of 33

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If the government actually did something to stop this OUR country would be a much safer place its too late after the event prevention is better than cure

Message 11 of 33

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It's a side effect of the poncy nanny state we live in run by do gooders & human rights activists 😞
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Message 12 of 33

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Hi guys,

While I sincerely understand that this is an emotive subject, I have deemed it necessary to edit out any content relating to the violence in detail. I want to let you guys discuss it, as it has undoubtedly had an effect on all who have heard about it, but please try and remain constructive. I'm also happy to discuss this via PM.

Many thank guys and I hope you can understand my reasoning.

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Message 13 of 33

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As an Ex serving member of the Royal Navy this hits me HARD!


We have our banter between the 3 forces but we join, fight and breath as one and are one family.


An eye for an eye? My a**e, the sole b****y reason I spent 14 months of my life (12 at sea, 2 in Iraq) was for the welfare of these 'people'.


Going back to 'An eye for an eye' the only reasoning I can think of for this is because they think this is what we (Allied Troops) are doing to their people in Iraq/Afghanistan. I can tell you it's not. What they are fed is propaganda and in fact the people doing that to their own is their own


I was all for not pulling out of these places because of the many members of the Armed Forces family that have been lost but I now change my mind. Get out and let the places fall apart, Let them slaughter themselves in their religious beliefs. In the end there will be no radical idiots left and the sensible people of the country can practice their religion in peace and not have the ****** like these two destroy what is essentially a peaceful religion.


I'm sorry if this offends anyone but having had first hand expierience of what goes on out there and then see this I felt the need to get this off my chest.


i'm off in true Armed Forces style and going to have a beer and salute yet another fallen hero.


R.I.P my friend.

Message 14 of 33

Level 69: Guiding Light
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I agree totally with your sentiments Kev.


A very sad day.



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Message 15 of 33

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Agreed, let's get the hell out and leave them to stew in their own mess. We can't be held responsible for atrocities in other countries all done in the name of religion.

Message 16 of 33

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Well it's been confirmed the guy was a member of the armed forces.

It's a pity the attack was not in the full view of the nearby barracks. I'm assuming barracks have armed sentries ?

MI5 will have some explaining to do if these guys had been on their radar.

Lets hope they were lone wolfs and not part of a sleeper cell.

Extremists do need to be dealt with but just look at the recent events with the well known hate cleric preacher Abu Qatada who we can't even get rid of to Jordan !
Message 17 of 33

Level 44: Clearly Talented
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Horrible news:( I would pay good money to have 5 minutes alone with these fools!

I have the upmost respect for our armed forces always wanted to join but I'm not allowed to due to a heart defect caused by myself:(

I'm disgusted at the backlash against the Islam community at the same time by the ignorant who throw them all under the same definition as terrorists:( I have a few Islamic friends who love being in England and fully support the British armed forces. In her exact words shed "wished the police had used pork bullets as these people deserve no place in the afterlife"
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 18 of 33

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it turns out the story has been changed so many times this morning, with sky and the sun coming under fire for making general terms for the muslim community, and i got a FB ban for speaking my mind.


there are suggestion to wear red white and blue today, and to have a few minutes silence on sunday. which i think are appropriate. 


Message 19 of 33

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I actually wrote my feelings on this subject on Facebook last night after reading comments from people I know and their friends and the racism and nonsense that was written. I then deleted it before I posted it because I knew the type of reaction it would get from these racist numbskulls.


What happened to what has now been confirmed as a serving soldier was awful and disgusting. My thoughts and respect go to his family at this difficult time. May he rest in peace.

I’m not condoning the actions of these individuals and I sincerely hope that they suffer a long and torturous penalty for what they have done. Yet I do not feel that the members of their religious community should be scrutinised as a consequence. I simply can't understand the rants about "immigration" and "foreigners" as the fact of the matter is that the attackers were BRITISH. This is THEIR country as much as it is ours.

I actually can’t believe my eyes at the amount of ‘go back to your own country’ and support for UKIP/BNP/EDL I've seen in the past 24 hours.

Terrorists come in all different colours, shapes, sizes; belong to all different religions around the world. There is terrorism occurring every single day in places you may never have heard of. Unfortunately, since the 9/11 attacks, what our media cares most about is “Islamist extremist terrorists” and so these are the only types of attacks we get to hear about. The reaction that we are seeing from the Racist EDL is a result of irresponsible & insensitive reporting by the British media. An EDL member was arrested for suspected arson tonight after walking into a mosque with a knife. He wasn't arrested for attempted terrorism...

If you do watch the video that has been referenced, you will find that the attacker is very much British, quite obviously born & raised in London. You’ll also find that he’s quite clearly a total headcase and whomever or whatever he tries to lay the guilt with is not to blame. He has free will, the same as you and I, yet chose to kill a man. He could have chosen not to but he did. We have to only hope that our justice system will do the right thing for once and remove him from our society permanently.

The KKK, Westboro Baptist Church and Adolf Hitler don’t represent the Christian faith as a collective. The people behind 9/11, 7/7, Boston and the horrible events of yesterday do NOT represent the Islamic faith. Why can't people make that connection?

Message 20 of 33