on 16-10-2014 20:40
on 16-10-2014 20:40
Has anyone here in the UK been able to upgrade to it yet?
App store saying its not ready yet?
on 16-10-2014 22:41
Bt Fibre Optic Broadband for me.
on 16-10-2014 22:42
on 16-10-2014 22:43
on 16-10-2014 22:44
Oh dear lord I put my foot in that one didn't I
on 16-10-2014 22:47
on 16-10-2014 22:48
Spare a thought for my mates in South Africa trying to download this over 1Mb ADSL lines. If they do manage to start the download tonight, it will probably be done by next week Tuesday evening at the earliest:) Heheheee, probably quicker to burn to DVD and send to them by pigeon...
on 16-10-2014 22:50
on 16-10-2014 22:50
on 16-10-2014 22:50
No official Apple stores in South Africa
on 16-10-2014 22:52