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News: BlackBerry Classic is for you

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An open letter from John Chen, CEO of Blackberry has just been posted on the BlackBerry Blog:


To our loyal (current and former) BlackBerry users:


BlackBerry is driven by an urgent, obsessive focus on what matters: you. When we lose sight of what you want and you need, we lose you.


It’s tempting in a rapidly changing, rapidly growing mobile market to change for the sake of change – to mimic what’s trendy and match the industry-standard, kitchen-sink approach of trying to be all things to all people.


But there’s also something to be said for the classic adage, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Chen quote

BlackBerry Classic reflects that. It is classic BlackBerry – complete with a top row of navigation keys and a trackpad. It’s the device that has always felt right in your hands and always felt right in your busy day.


Of course, we’ve made quite a few enhancements around the edges and on the inside. The screen is bigger and sharper. Our application catalogue is growing. The BlackBerry 10 operating system incorporates all the best productivity and collaboration features on any mobile device, including the BlackBerry Hub and our all-new BlackBerry Blend.


Sure, we’ve got new BlackBerry devices that break the mold, including the BlackBerry Passport. But we also recognize that a lot of you continue to hang on to your Bold devices because they get the job done, day in and day out – just like you.


We get it, and we’ve got you covered.


Innovation is a word that gets used too often and carelessly. Innovation is not about blowing up what works to make something new – it’s about taking what works and making it better. In that sense, BlackBerry Classic represents the kind of innovation BlackBerry – and you – strive toward every day.


Chen quote 2


You don’t reinvent yourself every day; you take what you learned yesterday and sharpen it today. You drive change – often on your terms, but sometimes not. That you keep going regardless is what distinguishes you as a grown-up. You’re in it for the long haul.


So is BlackBerry. The things you remember about BlackBerry that made you better are better than ever with BlackBerry Classic. BlackBerry Classic is for you, as is everything we do every day.


We are committed to earning your business – or earning it back, if that’s the case. In the weeks ahead, BlackBerry will be sharing more details about Classic that we think you’ll like. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit to see for yourself why BlackBerry Classic is aptly named.



John S. Chen  
Executive Chair and CEO


Interesting...and good to hear! Now I wonder if anyone at o2 will pay any attention or if the lure of money from people like Amazon more what they are looking for?


Source: BlackBerry via CrackBerry

Message 1 of 7

Level 94: Supreme
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Sadly I think your last comment may well be the case. Bottom line = profit.

Message 2 of 7

Not applicable
Thank you for posting that.

Hopefully we will see these handsets back on o2's offerings soon.

Message 3 of 7

Not applicable
Thanks for sharing
Hope we see blackberry back with O2. I can upgrade now but still undecided on what to get yet.
Message 4 of 7

Not applicable
Hi @Anonymous

I'd suggest making a short list of phones and look them up on YouTube end user reviews ,and then pay a visit to your high street stores to play with the Demo Models to get a feel for them aesthetically and a feel for their UI.

Enjoy the journey on choosing and perhaps let us know which you opted for and why. 😄
Message 5 of 7

Not applicable
Wow just checking out phones and the classic has just popped up on the O2 shop
Message 6 of 7

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@Anonymous wrote:
Wow just checking out phones and the classic has just popped up on the O2 shop

It has ...but only as 'coming soon' sadly... No idea when soon will be...(though itis better than NEVER) Happy Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 7