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Movies in June

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Hey guys, 


I know there's a few movie buffs here on the O2 Community so I thought I'd see what new movies people are planning to see in June? 


Personally I'm quite looking forward to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. I've enjoyed the soft reboot of the franchise and this one looks like it could be fun! 


I also wana see the Sicario sequel, Day of the Soldado. I really liked the first one and I'm interested in seeing how they continue the story. 


I'll also check out The First Purge which will probably be a bit silly but fun and Escape Plan 2. Loved the first one, just a shame Arnie won't be in this one. confused


Up coming movies


Are you guys planning on hitting the cinema this month and if so what are you going to see? Let me know below. smiling


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Book club looks good! ☺️
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I'll probably go see Jurassic World 2... but I've got this horrible gut feeling it'll be a disappointment compared to the first Jurassic World - there's just something about the trailer that I've seen for it that doesn't sit well


After that... well, I LOVED the first Super Troopers, so I'll have to find time to go see that too and I was a fan of the George Clooney Ocean's films, so Ocean's 8 is going on the list.


Other than that though, it feels like this is a cooling off month after Infinity War and Solo, before Incredibles 2, the new Mamma Mia (urgh) and Mission Impossible 6 (plus Hotel Artemis which could be one of those highly underrated classics).

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@CLB- Yes that looks like an interesting one! 


@KillerBus I'm hoping Jurassic World 2 will live up to the first one! I've actually still not seen Super Troopers so will have to get on that before I watch the sequel. 

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Message 4 of 11

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Jurassic World looks good, and so does Incredibles 2.
Just read the synopsis of Upgrade which makes for interesting and worrying reading.
There are a number of films out that I am looking forward to seeing, but most are later in the year (Ant-Man, MI:Fallout and Venom among others).

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@gmarkj I'd not looked into Upgrade but it sounds brilliant! I'll definitely be checking that out. 


I'm also excited for MI:Fallout along with Ant Man. I've only got Black Panther to see and them I'm completely up to date with the MCU! 

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Message 6 of 11

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It sounds like it should be really interesting, but I won't hold my breath.
You mean you wated Infinity War BEFORE Black Panther?!? Are you mad??
Did you catch Hardcore Henry (not that sort of film, honest)? Thought the concept was really unique, and they executed it really well but some of the acting was less than stellar.

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@gmarkj It sounds like it could be a hit or miss. I'm hoping for the former! 


Yeah not the best way but I hadn't seen Black Panther by the time Infinity War came out and the potential spoilers were driving me off the Internet lol! I basically didn't have a choice! joy


I did see Hardcore Henry, I really enjoyed it but the constant 1st person view was a bit much. I preferred the short films done by the same team as they were a bit more manageable. Some of the action set pieces were amazing though! 

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Message 8 of 11

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Yes how they managed to do that using bascially what was a GoPro is insane.
How are you coping with all the Avengers 4 stories doing the rounds?

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Agreed it was so well done! Just not the best fit for a full length feature. 


There are so many theories going around I'm just hoping that most are incorrect. How did you find the ending of Infinity War? One woman in our cinema shouted at the screen. joy She was not happy! 

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