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It’s Best Friends Day!

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Hi everyone wave


You know much I love to use official days to celebrate all that we have around us. And today I am more than excited to talk about Best Friends Dayheart_eyes

Of course, as with any other day, we don’t need a special day to celebrate our friendships. But as many days before this, it’s a great occasion to reminiscence, share memories and have a laugh. And why not take every chance to celebrate? I sure wouldn’t say no!


May it be on a digital space like our O2 Community or in real life, many of you will have had the chance to meet new people over the years and be able to now count them as friends.


giphy (20).gif

(Lukas and me dancing to ABBA)

I myself met my best friend on the first day of University. And even though we are both from good old Germany, we come from completely different parts of the country. Many of you know who I am talking about, it’s the one and only @LukasB. Always there when I need him with an open ear to listen to all of my troubles, we now have a massive pile of absolutely amazing memories that I never ever want to miss hugging


Do you have any great memories of your friends that you want to share with us?

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I think it's different for everyone isn't it @Anonymous. I personally can count the number of my friends on one hand and other people might enjoy having a wider friend group. And if you have a "best" friend, he or she probably knows anyways because of the time and memories you have together slight_smile

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I disagree to a certain extent. My 'best friends' are all different.

One I can talk to in great depth about medical stuff (hers and mine) we have seen each other at our very best and worst. We can also chat about other stuff and as @gmarkj said, we can pick up where we left off.


One other won't tolerate any talk about illnesses but is great fun and we chat about anything and everything. She is full of love and surprises and  makes me very happy to be with.


The one in Australia, is based on memories and the things we did as kids. She's not particularly well and uses me as a sounding board. Also an absolute diamond. Is also thinking of returning home from Australia

If you asked me to drop two and only be friends with one, I couldn't do it.


They aren't the only friends in my life....but they are the best.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 20

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Much as I would like to claim credit @Cleoriff, in this instance all credit to @madasaf1sh.

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Message 13 of 20

Not applicable
I'm the same @TheresaV a handful of friends. Not sure if they'd call me the same (being the oddbod that I am) but I aint bothered.

Some great sentiments there @Cleoriff .. Sounds like your friends are lucky people!
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Either way, I think they all should count themselves lucky having me as a friend anyways upside_down sweat_smile

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Message 15 of 20

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@LukasB ..... @LukasB ...... @luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkasBBBBBBBBBBB
(nah he's gone)
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@Anonymous joy joy joy joy I am here 

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Well played @Anonymous laughing

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Message 18 of 20

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@TheresaV wrote:

Well played @Anonymous laughing


Message 19 of 20

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invaluable ..... to be accepted *warts and all* ... heart ... and to be  reciprocated

I don't have a best friend ... I do have a few good friends & then, there are people I know

Thinking about how many Christmas cards I send

I need to be surrounded by good people / friends ..... and ..... hopefully I am as good a friend to them as they are to me 

I have a 'Go To' Friend and they are the same to me

Communication by voice down the phone(only occasionally) / text / email / Facebook / in person 1 to 1 

sometimes, particularly during Lockdown1, last year, I desperately needed to hear / interact with / a voice (other than BBC Radio Four) ..... so ..... I rang the Samaritans at 7:00am and was sorted out within 1/2 hour, ready to put the kettle on for a cuppa Yorkshire Tea decaff ... = ... Relaxed.

I have founded the 'typed word' sometimes can cause 'mis-information' I've sent and received ..... once in words in front of the eye, it is difficult to take back ... my use of English is not clever = it's either 3 words with me or 333 LOL

Message 20 of 20