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A quick explanation of my involvement.

@RunrigForeverwished to do a piece on Holy Week with the help of @Dave-O2 (not realising he was away.)

I offered to help with editing and images:

Story/Script/Research = @RunrigForever 

Editing/Layout/Images = @Cleoriff 



HW Holy Land.jpg

 Holy Land

Palm Sunday ..... when Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph on the back of a lowly beast = a donkey ...the people cheered and threw palm leaves at the feet of the donkey. = ... Nubian donkeys bear a cross (of Jesus) upon their backs still today.

HW Jesus on donkey.jpg

Jesus entering Jerusalem in triumph.


HW Donkey with cross.jpg

Nubian Donkey with the cross on their back.

Holy Monday ..... Jesus overturned the tables in the city as there was 'unfair trading'.

Holy Tuesday ..... Jesus continued his teaching, but the powers that were, then began plotting against him and his teaching. Jesus foretold of his crucifixion to his disciples.

Holy Wednesday or Spy Wednesday ..... Judas was a very close friend of Jesus and his betrayal would harm him immensely.

HW Judas Betrayal.jpg

Judas' betrayal of Jesus

Maunday Thursday ..... In celebration of The Last Supper some churches have a Maunday meal. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was alone. Judas betrayed Jesus and in remorse at what he had done, took his own life.

HW The Last Supper.jpg

The Last Supper

Good Friday ..... The day of the Crucifixion ..... Pontius Pilate found Jesus guilty and sentenced him to death. Jesus was nailed to the cross he had been forced to carry. The sky went dark and Jesus looked to the heavens above… 'Father, Father, why has thou forsaken me ?'.

HW Jesus carrying cross.jpg

Jesus carrying the cross.

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Jesus Nailed to the cross

Holy Saturday – Jesus died on the cross. A secret disciple, Joseph of Arimathea, asked Pilate if he could take take Jesus' body for burial. Permission granted, he removed Jesus from the cross and wrapped the body in linen. Joseph placed the body in his own new tomb that he had cut out, rolled a stone in front of it and left.


HW Jesus in Tomb.jpg

Easter Day (Sunday) ..... His friends found the stone rolled away to the side of the entrance to the cave which was now empty... He Had Risen ...

(There is a song called 'Roll Away the Stone’ by Mott the Hoople. Good title but the lyrics show it has nothing to do with the Crucifixion)

The EASTER STORY is Neverending !

When looking at Holy Week, I did a bit of research. I read about His various sightings in the area ... ... ... the origin of the phrase 'a Doubting Thomas'.
Watch and marvel at the film 'Jesus Christ Superstar' filmed in suitable landscape with fantastic timeless music ... ... ... Read the book 'The Robe' by Lloyd Douglas ... ... ... Read the book or watch the film 'The Big Fisherman' starring Rock Hudson ... ... ... the film 'Ben Hur' is relevant and filmed in Technicolour or Cinemascope ... ... ...

 On Palm Sunday and in church, folded palm crosses are given out = I used to keep mine in a narrow necked vase.

HW Palm Cross.jpg


Family Easter-time reminds me of when my mum would cook a fillet of lamb, traditional at Easter ..... we would send traditional Easter cards in our later lives ..... an Easter egg apiece with my sister ..... fluffy snowy white lambs playing in the fields ..... the promise of Spring like weather ..... I have researched why Easter is a moveable religious feast and have come up with conflicting results = something to do with the phase of the moon and something to do with the powerful religious people who set Easter time well in advance of next year’s diaries being printed = you choose.


Did you know Simnel Cake with 11 spheres on top representing the Apostles is relevant to Holy Week?

Only 11 spheres as Judas was not included.


HW Simnel Cake.jpg


It has been a pleasure composing this piece for Holy Week Easter 2024 on O2C. Couldn't have done it without the encouragement of @Cleoriff and her editing and posting relevant pictures. Thank you Cleo.


All enjoy Easter ❤️

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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@TallTrees wrote:

Love Malta @pgn @Cleoriff 

They always have time for an evening parade, lovely evenings street vendors out too. 


My parade mention took place in Spain @TallTrees.

TBH, we went to Malta only once, in the 80's when our boys were 9 and 11. I wasn't keen sadly. I'm aware this was to do with our location when in Malta. A friend of mine arranged it as she had relatives living there. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. We were located in a place called Qawra near Bugibba.

There was supposed to be a loan car at the airport and it wasn't there so we got a taxi to our apartment. The estate agent was meant to meet us there to hand over the keys. No-one in sight.

She arrived 15 minutes late. When you are in a strange country with two young boys in the searing heat of August, that's not pleasant.

The apartment itself was lovely. The best I've ever been in, The only problem  was it faced an area of ground where building was going on, There were only 2 people working on these two houses but every day without fail we were woken at 8am by one or the other of these guys banging away with a hammer. We were on the 2nd (top) floor and due to the heat we had to leave windows open. I spent every day cleaning the dust away.

While I was unpacking, Ray took the boys down to the sea at the bottom of the road with their two lilo's

30 mins later they were back minus lilos, which were ripped to shreds on the rocks. No sandy beach at Qawra!

The car arrived the following day which was a good job because we knew we would be using it to drive the boys to the nearest sandy beach called Golden Bay!

I know this was over 40 years ago and I have no doubt it's all changed now but at the time it wasn't the place for a family with 2 kids who just wanted to spend every day on a nice sandy beach.

Nothing to do at night. A bar over the road past the building site where we met another family with two kids who were pretty much the same as us. They said they weren't sure whether they were in the middle of a building or demolition site. 😂  We ate in Bugibba to eat, my youngest discovered a love for swordfish. We went to Valetta, although the boys were ok, they weren't into walking around places looking at old historic  buildings.

I know it all would have been different had we been in a different area near the beach. Or if the apartment 'block' had a pool but this was the 80's and it was all wrong for us.

Sorry @pgn, I know you loved it and lived there but a few things can colour your experience so we said we wouldn't go back again. 🤗

The people were lovely

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 31 of 35

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We all have our crosses to bear, @Cleoriff - heard lately that it is just one perpetual traffic jam between 7am and 09:30 weekdays - too many cars, not enough road 🤷

I can believe it. And they made bus transport free, but still... So I am under no illusions, despite how it used to be!

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Well I could match that on a holiday in Portugal. 🤣

Malta is very relaxed on just about everything 😌  

It is rocky it is very hot nothing works well 😳 rented a bungalow.  

Yes need to be near town been several times, liked it. 



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Wow @Cleoriff that was a amazing read thank you for putting that together it was brilliant

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@Pipstop78 wrote:

Wow @Cleoriff that was a amazing read thank you for putting that together it was brilliant

Thanks @Pipstop78 

The thread was a collaboration with @RunrigForever. who had the idea and wrote the script. I added photos did some editing and a bit of extra research. Really pleased with the way it turned out. (considering I'm not particularly religious) 😂

I learnt a lot from other people who posted on the thread.🤗


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 35 of 35