27-03-2024 09:00 - edited 27-03-2024 09:06
27-03-2024 09:00 - edited 27-03-2024 09:06
A quick explanation of my involvement.
@RunrigForeverwished to do a piece on Holy Week with the help of @Dave-O2 (not realising he was away.)
I offered to help with editing and images:
Story/Script/Research = @RunrigForever
Editing/Layout/Images = @Cleoriff
Holy Land
Palm Sunday ..... when Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph on the back of a lowly beast = a donkey ...the people cheered and threw palm leaves at the feet of the donkey. = ... Nubian donkeys bear a cross (of Jesus) upon their backs still today.
Jesus entering Jerusalem in triumph.
Nubian Donkey with the cross on their back.
Holy Monday ..... Jesus overturned the tables in the city as there was 'unfair trading'.
Holy Tuesday ..... Jesus continued his teaching, but the powers that were, then began plotting against him and his teaching. Jesus foretold of his crucifixion to his disciples.
Holy Wednesday or Spy Wednesday ..... Judas was a very close friend of Jesus and his betrayal would harm him immensely.
Judas' betrayal of Jesus
Maunday Thursday ..... In celebration of The Last Supper some churches have a Maunday meal. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was alone. Judas betrayed Jesus and in remorse at what he had done, took his own life.
The Last Supper
Good Friday ..... The day of the Crucifixion ..... Pontius Pilate found Jesus guilty and sentenced him to death. Jesus was nailed to the cross he had been forced to carry. The sky went dark and Jesus looked to the heavens above… 'Father, Father, why has thou forsaken me ?'.
Jesus carrying the cross.
Jesus Nailed to the cross
Holy Saturday – Jesus died on the cross. A secret disciple, Joseph of Arimathea, asked Pilate if he could take take Jesus' body for burial. Permission granted, he removed Jesus from the cross and wrapped the body in linen. Joseph placed the body in his own new tomb that he had cut out, rolled a stone in front of it and left.
Easter Day (Sunday) ..... His friends found the stone rolled away to the side of the entrance to the cave which was now empty... He Had Risen ...
(There is a song called 'Roll Away the Stone’ by Mott the Hoople. Good title but the lyrics show it has nothing to do with the Crucifixion)
The EASTER STORY is Neverending !
When looking at Holy Week, I did a bit of research. I read about His various sightings in the area ... ... ... the origin of the phrase 'a Doubting Thomas'.
Watch and marvel at the film 'Jesus Christ Superstar' filmed in suitable landscape with fantastic timeless music ... ... ... Read the book 'The Robe' by Lloyd Douglas ... ... ... Read the book or watch the film 'The Big Fisherman' starring Rock Hudson ... ... ... the film 'Ben Hur' is relevant and filmed in Technicolour or Cinemascope ... ... ...
On Palm Sunday and in church, folded palm crosses are given out = I used to keep mine in a narrow necked vase.
Family Easter-time reminds me of when my mum would cook a fillet of lamb, traditional at Easter ..... we would send traditional Easter cards in our later lives ..... an Easter egg apiece with my sister ..... fluffy snowy white lambs playing in the fields ..... the promise of Spring like weather ..... I have researched why Easter is a moveable religious feast and have come up with conflicting results = something to do with the phase of the moon and something to do with the powerful religious people who set Easter time well in advance of next year’s diaries being printed = you choose.
Did you know Simnel Cake with 11 spheres on top representing the Apostles is relevant to Holy Week?
Only 11 spheres as Judas was not included.
It has been a pleasure composing this piece for Holy Week Easter 2024 on O2C. Couldn't have done it without the encouragement of @Cleoriff and her editing and posting relevant pictures. Thank you Cleo.
All enjoy Easter ❤️
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 27-03-2024 09:58
on 27-03-2024 09:58
on 27-03-2024 10:00
on 27-03-2024 10:00
By the way, I have PM'd @RunrigForever to let her know her story is up. 😂
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 27-03-2024 10:06
on 27-03-2024 10:06
I'm not sure where the tradition came on that one or whether it is modern or traditional. Also, it's not universal but I know of several churches where this happens.
on 27-03-2024 10:16
on 27-03-2024 10:16
27-03-2024 10:20 - edited 27-03-2024 10:34
27-03-2024 10:20 - edited 27-03-2024 10:34
One of my memories from a young age: The Maundy Thursday tradition in Malta of placing a bucket of slowly-bubbling Sepulchre Mix, out of sight but not of smell, somewhere near the altar in every church. On the morning of Good Friday and Saturday, the smell of this in churches is prevalent. The orange and other herbs and spices and sweet wine in a tin bucket ("barmin") which is left simmering, topped-up periodically, for the three days prior to Easter. Containing a melange of herbs – coriander, cloves, cinnamon and other herbs and spices. Oranges are studded with the cloves, together with ground bay leaf and balsam if available and sweet wine and placed at a low simmer on a heater pad in a large galvanized bucket...
Looks awful, smells glorious!
Brilliant thread, @Cleoriff and @RunrigForever!
on 27-03-2024 10:32
on 27-03-2024 10:32
on 27-03-2024 10:37
on 27-03-2024 10:37
Added a video to my post above if you want to get into the spirit of things, as it were 😁
on 27-03-2024 10:43
on 27-03-2024 10:43
That's fascinating.. Was the Sepulchre mix given to parishioners to drink at any time when it cooled off?
(I agree it looks awful but according to you, smelled wonderful)
I note it contained a great deal of wine so surely that wasn't wasted?
I mean, mulled wine at Christmas or anytime in winter, is meant to be given to anyone who wants it? 😂
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 27-03-2024 11:01
Looks like something you would dump in a pig trough!
on 27-03-2024 11:20
on 27-03-2024 11:20
What a lovely thread this has turned out to be ..... big thank you's to @Cleoriff
There is information I didn't know and humour as ever from our @jonsie
Thank you @Enlli for fascinating knowledge
@pgn for that wonderful mix - I'd have some now - no tomorrow on Maundy Thursday when it will be interesting to see our Monarch give out Maundy money to the years he has been reigning.
@TallTrees I clearly remember the picture of Simnel cake in an old cookery book = a wedding present from my mum. The book was by Marguerite Patten.
A really nice colaberation piece with @Cleoriff ..... lovely presentation, thank you very much Cleo xx